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hi me mancunian Member

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28DL Member
28DL Member
hi idrk how to really introduce myself but im 15 nearly 16 based around greater manchester, cheshire wythenshawe whatever ive been going around exploring for nearly a year Not really knowledgeable about the hobby either but i know a few places here and there and a recent one which is newbornabandoned just really looking for advice and experienced ppl for me or my mates(not trustworthy) to go out with and potential hidden gems around manchester (preferably accessible by met or bus)


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Welcome to 28, always nice to have another Mancunian with there being tons around

Got a fair bit around Stockport, hell Deanprint is a solid starter explore in my opinion and it’s not too far from Wythenshawe. Do take it easy especially if you’re meeting with people given you’re quite young. Stay safe!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Yeah ive been stockport like once ive seen the old Bunkers by the motorway and victoria house also some abandoned school in offerton, thankyou tho good to have supporting people around
Welcome to 28, always nice to have another Mancunian with there being tons around

Got a fair bit around Stockport, hell Deanprint is a solid starter explore in my opinion and it’s not too far from Wythenshawe. Do take it easy especially if you’re meeting with people given you’re quite young. Stay safe!