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Information - High Stuffer BAITING: conquest request!

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Heres a request and a post to bait those who seek new challenges to get something I am interested in investigated close up. I have found a site which seems to have no reference here or in Subbrit. Its an estimated 200ft high redundant radio mast which looks to have a ladder all the way up.
This is the now defunct DECCA navigation system, imagine the view from the top! Only thing is its adjacent to Farmer Silage's house so might be a night time proposx only unless you can get his permissx, farmers have always got dogs which can hear a fly fart half a mile away then they go berserk to raise the alarm :(. BUT most of the access road seems to be a public right of way as its yellow on the os maps 1:50k and 1:25k and leads to a footpath. Just off the A423 south of Southam near the Oxford Canal Warwickshire. I have a particular interest in Radio so Id like some specific pics of the construction, TIA!

Disused since 2000, this looks to be a 6 element dipole antenna, at first I thought they were guy wires but they have ceramic insulators and are too close to the base of the tower to be effective supports.

Urbulon is too fat and old to climb anything apart from his sofa and his bed, so I humbly request that the intrepid sages herein to go forth and "rise" :D to the challenge, to boldly go where no Urbex has gone before!

Merry Xmas and HNY to all!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I`d love to climb, alas I cant. But the guys on here climb 706 ft plus. I think 200 ft is a bit wee for them. I love to watch their climbs and views too. Be interesting to see if anyone does do this for you. :popcorn


Weirdy Beardy
28DL Full Member
Looks like a former chain home tower?

Bollocks to that, I like my brain safely inside my skull and not splattered over a 3 metre diameter


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is it slap bang in a farmers field?
Farm Shmarm, you can do this buddy, YOU CAN DO THIS!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thats it, you dont want your balls to drop off, curiosity killed the cat but most bexers are smarter than cats :D


28DL Member
28DL Member
Just some info for anybody planning visit. The actual tower was the antenna but all the equipment is deactivated of course. Access easy, no Bulls kept in the field, only some sheep in adjacent ones when I visited.
Though for first visit still done it in the dark to avoid attention (though ancient Olympus E520 seems to struggle immensely with darkness, so no worthy photos from the visit).
The tower seemed to be well maintained in the previous years and no concerning rust observed, definitely inspired some confidence as last towers I visited was in east Europe and much newer towers seems to be in worse condition.
Definitely was a fresh breeze after the lockdown and for the first in UK I guess can't be easier.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Just FYI, the mast is still there and in good condition because is live. The site is a DGPS station ( that uses the old Decca Navigator mast, also managed by the Trinity House as the Decca was in its last years. DGPS is going to be decommissioned in March 2022 so you may have an opportunity afterwards to get into the tower before is, probably, demolished. Before that I wouldn't touch it :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Access easy, no Bulls kept in the field, only some sheep in adjacent ones when I visited.

I think I prefer bulls to sheep. Satans little helpers can fuck off with their beady all knowing eyes... Looks cool though, I've been meaning to grow the balls to start climbing stuff, and this kinda looks like a decent entry if I ever get the transport to get to it.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Just FYI, the mast is still there and in good condition because is live. The site is a DGPS station ( that uses the old Decca Navigator mast, also managed by the Trinity House as the Decca was in its last years. DGPS is going to be decommissioned in March 2022 so you may have an opportunity afterwards to get into the tower before is, probably, demolished. Before that I wouldn't touch it :)
This seems to be correct.

There's some info about DGPS here -

The linked PDF shows a table of all the active DGPS sites and this one, Wormleighton, is listed.

Be careful with your balls people!

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