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Report - - Highsted Chalk Pits - Kent - Jun 2018 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Highsted Chalk Pits - Kent - Jun 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are these the blue bell hill pits? If they are I know a way into that tunnel from a different entrance. I have wanted to explore it for a long time but everyone I ask is too scared to go into there, if anyone wants to take a trip down there and go in I’m up for it you just need a couple torches
the report is on the large chalk quarries to the south of Sittingbourne, Bluebell Hill is the two Culand chalk pits which each have various ways to access them, the deeper pit had steps installed roughly on the southwest corner of the pit. There's little to be scared of in there apart from crumbly cliff edges, once down on the quarry floor its safe enough and the tunnel should be pretty stable as its brick lined on the roof.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are these the blue bell hill pits? If they are I know a way into that tunnel from a different entrance. I have wanted to explore it for a long time but everyone I ask is too scared to go into there, if anyone wants to take a trip down there and go in I’m up for it you just need a couple torches
Not sure, I know they’re in Sittingbourne near Fulston


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As a child I lived right next to these pits, spent everyday down there in the summers playing man hunt and building bases. We opened up the air raid shelter in the far corner in about 1998 and found animal traps inside, we had to crawl in on our belly’s through a tight gap(would never try that now) I would say I’ve explored every corner of the 3 pits, it’s a shame they’ve blocked the tunnels connecting the 2 main pits


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The shelter’s nowhere to be seen these days. Most likely backfilled. Shame. Haven’t done the middle put though as it’s become a challenger troop. Did it have anything good in it?
As a child I lived right next to these pits, spent everyday down there in the summers playing man hunt and building bases. We opened up the air raid shelter in the far corner in about 1998 and found animal traps inside, we had to crawl in on our belly’s through a tight gap(would never try that now) I would say I’ve explored every corner of the 3 pits, it’s a shame they’ve blocked the tunnels connecting the 2 main pits


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The shelter’s nowhere to be seen these days. Most likely backfilled. Shame. Haven’t done the middle put though as it’s become a challenger troop. Did it have anything good in it?
The shelter was right at the back on the cliff face with the houses above it, we had to dig it out when we were kids so it’s most likely been filled again. There was only animal traps in there, as for the rest of the pits there wasn’t much down there, a rusty motorcycle, and a few little dents that people had made over the years, we did as kids go into the shooting range but it was still occupied, I remember collecting up all the old bullet shells

Luke shepherd

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are these the blue bell hill pits? If they are I know a way into that tunnel from a different entrance. I have wanted to explore it for a long time but everyone I ask is too scared to go into there, if anyone wants to take a trip down there and go in I’m up for it you just need a couple torches
Let me know


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The north pit used to have a sign on the gate saying that Kent police dogs trained there, I don't know if they still do (this was in 2003). The tunnel to south pit was open then but the tunnel to eastern pit was backfilled with sand. Attempting to get into the eastern pit from above is very dangerous as there are steep slopes leading down to sheer drops and no apparent way down that I could see, I cycled up to these pits a few times from Maidstone.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The north pit used to have a sign on the gate saying that Kent police dogs trained there, I don't know if they still do (this was in 2003). The tunnel to south pit was open then but the tunnel to eastern pit was backfilled with sand. Attempting to get into the eastern pit from above is very dangerous as there are steep slopes leading down to sheer drops and no apparent way down that I could see, I cycled up to these pits a few times from Maidstone.
Oh, interesting. If I'm right, the East Pit is the one between the two tunnels, right? If so, it's been turned into a challenger troop thing which means the gates sometimes open but I haven't been down there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oh, interesting. If I'm right, the East Pit is the one between the two tunnels, right? If so, it's been turned into a challenger troop thing which means the gates sometimes open but I haven't been down there.
Theres two larger pits with smaller east pit on the other side of the Highsted Road, you'll see it clearer on the satellite view on google maps. the largest pit seems to have had various buildings installed, I can't remember if they were there when I visited years ago.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Theres two larger pits with smaller east pit on the other side of the Highsted Road, you'll see it clearer on the satellite view on google maps. the largest pit seems to have had various buildings installed, I can't remember if they were there when I visited years ago.
I just checked the satellite and it appears you're right about buildings in the middle pit. I still haven't been down there yet but there also seems to be some sort of road going towards the portal tunnel.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The pit which have the buildings located in it used to be a gun club and they used to have a live firing range there but this was back in 2000's so I do not know exactly what happens there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I live less than 20 minutes walk from the Highsted chalk pits and have done all my life. I spent most of my childhood down there and isn’t much of it I’ve not explored.

I don’t know much about the history unfortunately but had also heard someone had died down there but no one could tell me when.... even half the old folk I spoke too.

Yes back in the 70’s kids did find a granade although they took it too school and were kicking it around the play ground like a football, thankfully it didn’t go off. Such things have been known to be found down there over the years. As for a bomb shelter and a prisoners of war being made to work there is a new one for me, my grandfather failed to mention anything like that and I’m afraid the poor old bugger is no longer around to ask.

I’ve always been curious of its history and can’t sleep, hence why it’s only now I’m finding this page. Seeing as my family have always been on the Swanstree Estate and surrounding area I’ll do some digging of my own, will be a nice trip down memory lane setting foot back in that place after 17 long years.

I’ll probably shit myself when I see the trees I used to jump into as a kid.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The pit which have the buildings located in it used to be a gun club and they used to have a live firing range there but this was back in 2000's so I do not know exactly what happens there.
I often see people in and out the gate that leads into the pit where the shooting range is, not so much since the COVID pandemic but it is still a functioning shooting club to my knowledge, easily accessible if you know where your going although I don’t suggest you go down the when the shooting range is live.

To the left of the gate there used to be an opening that, go through that and to you right is a steep embankment to the other side of the gate, if you go left it will take you to the cliff top above the shooting range, if you follow the path round to the left it will take you to the back of the chalk pit and a more gentle but gradual way to the bottom, we used to ride bikes that way to the bottom.

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