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Report - - Holborn Union Building, (Archway Hospital) & Highgate station disused platform - June 1st, 2023 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Holborn Union Building, (Archway Hospital) & Highgate station disused platform - June 1st, 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ive been there about 4 times recently and the one time i was caught i was arrested, just sharing my experience and helping people out but if im coming across as security so be it!
I have actually been back a couple times (not successfully) and I know other people have got in the building since i went. Security has got alot more tight now though with cameras going up similar to ravenscourt hospital. I was just told to leave when I got caught though.

What did they say their reason was for arresting you? I've had an old woman report me as a "burglar" to police when she saw me. Police detained me and a couple of my mates, put us in handcuffs and searched us. But once we explained they just let us go.

Also your profile says you joined the site in late 2020 and since then your only postings have been in this thread talking about how scary the security are. I'm not pointing fingers but you can see how suspicious that looks. Get a report up and people will generally be more friendly
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Exploring With Pride ๐ŸŒˆ

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
recently visited, 2024. spent around 3 hours exploring the building before security called police on us, said we had bats, was destroying things and was hitting them/slamming doors in theirs faces. bare in mind we circled the whole building beforehand and saw none! anyways, spent the night in a cell whilst they looked for evidence, for none to be found and be released at 2 in the morning. do NOT visit lol security are nasty.
Have a go pro or something running the whole time that u can play back if police show then have secca charged false claims

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