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Hospital and Asylum Architecture in England, 1840-1914: Building for Health Care | Books and Media |

Hospital and Asylum Architecture in England, 1840-1914: Building for Health Care

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~ DaRk AnGeL ~

By Jeremy Taylor...

A fascinating insight into the architecture and plans of the time.. A detailed list of most of the architects and some great floor plans of the famous asylums.. A great read, but sadly incredibly hard to get hold of these days as it's out of print.. I believe there are a few copies in places such as the National Archives in London and various Record Offices.. I had to resort to borrowing it..


Conquistador d'Wolverton
28DL Full Member
Nice work, I've been searching for this book myself, but to no avail on amazon :confused

If you feel like photocopying every page and posting it, feel free :D


One-Man Urbex Art Army
28DL Full Member
Finally found a copy after two-and-half years of looking for one!

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