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Report - HSBC Bank - Southampton - June 2016

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Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
Myself and a few lads are staying in a shit-hole just over the road from this, but that's another story! Noticed a guy rattling on the front doors last night as if he was closing up behind himself, did you see signs of squatters?


"Just having a look officer"
It's not squatters it's builders. The place is being ripped down unfortunately.


Oh wow cool, what was it when you worked there? A bank still?
It was Midland Bank. The basement strongrooms are very elaborate and became the Cash Centre for Central Southern England. Surplus cash from all the branches in that area came in daily. In those days the Bank had its own security vans for this purpose. I've attached another photo from around 1980 when I worked there. This came from a Facebook page featuring Southamptons Historic Buildings.


  • Paul & John at High St.jpg
    Paul & John at High St.jpg
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"Just having a look officer"
It was Midland Bank. The basement strongrooms are very elaborate and became the Cash Centre for Central Southern England. Surplus cash from all the branches in that area came in daily. In those days the Bank had its own security vans for this purpose. I've attached another photo from around 1980 when I worked there. This came from a Facebook page featuring Southamptons Historic Buildings.

Oh wow that’s amazing....had no idea the sort of cash going there and did wonder why the vaults were so elaborate. It’s a Chinese or Japanese restaurant now. Does have some original features inside still such as the marble pillars and looks quite impressive.