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Report - - huncoat power station ,altham lancashire march 2015 | Industrial Sites |

Report - huncoat power station ,altham lancashire march 2015

Lancashire lad

chief taster for costa coffee
28DL Full Member
Construction started on Huncoat Power Station in 1950 and it was finally opened in 1956. Situated on the Burnley coalfield meant that the power station had a ready supply of local coal and until 1968 was served by half mile railway line to Huncoat Colliery.
The Power Station had a fairly short life and closed in 1984. The cooling towers were brought down in 1988 and the main buildings were demolished in 1990 leaving just this one building behind.

This place is where it all began for me I wasn't going to post a report on it as its been done to death its like the training school for urbex in and around Lancashire , really every man and his dog have been here now its being used to photograph models as well.

Its been tagged to within an inch of its life and has been burned out many times but its still there and I admire that it will be a sad day if they ever pull it down.

Any way like I say its was two years ago when I first explored and all I had was a cheap tripod and a point and shoot Kodak camera , as you can imagine the piks were awfull (some might say they still are HDR anyone lol)
so giving to the fact I had the easter weekend off and nothing planned I decided to go for a mooch and ended up back here to do a better job than the first time not much had changed in the two years sure there was a little more graff , new tags a little more weathering but the structure was still the same exactly the same a testament to the simple engineering in brick and concrete technology

Right time for some piks​
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
HDR?, Mono, Wire Wool Spinning, Graff", High grain,& A f@cking Orb :eek: Only things you"ve left out is a Model & some Goons in Masks ;)

Better mate, but i think a lot of the colours are still too saturated especially in that duplicate colour/mono pic, for what we"re supposed to post on here anyway .

Unless you"re gonna start Bracketing shots, or use the AEL? i don"t personally think using Mono works when you have such extremes of exposure differences. (Unless you shoot a Nikon D810 or similar) the overexposed parts are totally blown away (on some) and the darks are obviously still to dark. At least if it was a non over saturated colour pic it"d draw your eyes away from the Whiteout IMO

In situations like these i use the AEL button and/or light paint the dark area....every little helps ....even in daylight ;)

Lancashire lad

chief taster for costa coffee
28DL Full Member
HDR?, Mono, Wire Wool Spinning, Graff", High grain,& A f@cking Orb :eek: Only things you"ve left out is a Model & some Goons in Masks ;)

Better mate, but i think a lot of the colours are still too saturated especially in that duplicate colour/mono pic, for what we"re supposed to post on here anyway .

Unless you"re gonna start Bracketing shots, or use the AEL? i don"t personally think using Mono works when you have such extremes of exposure differences. (Unless you shoot a Nikon D810 or similar) the overexposed parts are totally blown away (on some) and the darks are obviously still to dark. At least if it was a non over saturated colour pic it"d draw your eyes away from the Whiteout IMO

In situations like these i use the AEL button and/or light paint the dark area....every little helps ....even in daylight ;)
cheers for the advice, theres no HDR in this one yeh the colours look saturated might be better toning them a little im on a bridge camera not dlsr and it has three different colour settings ones a bit more colour pop than the rest ill try another setting when im next out with it altho ill be upgring in two weeks to a Nikon d5000 so hopefully I wont be having these problems any more :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are you shooting RAW or JPEG LL ? I know a lot still shoot in JPEG but don"t adjust the in camera settings to reduce the over saturation the camera thinks it needs without manual adjustment. Which would explain it .....or whatever software you use for processing ?

I"ve being confused with the David William "Photography" watermark and your output TBH & more so if you"re using a Bridge camera

Even i"m gonna have to reduce the green saturation on some shots from today as the intense sun on the vegetation has made it look unrealistic....even though it looked the same to my eyes.

Lancashire lad

chief taster for costa coffee
28DL Full Member
Are you shooting RAW or JPEG LL ? I know a lot still shoot in JPEG but don"t adjust the in camera settings to reduce the over saturation the camera thinks it needs without manual adjustment. Which would explain it .....or whatever software you use for processing ?

I"ve being confused with the David William "Photography" watermark and your output TBH & more so if you"re using a Bridge camera

Even i"m gonna have to reduce the green saturation on some shots from today as the intense sun on the vegetation has made it look unrealistic....even though it looked the same to my eyes.
yeh shooting j peg with the bridge , I don't have the option to shoot raw should of upgraded a long time ago to be honest just thought I could make do , and also ive been shooting a lot with auto being lazy I suppose I did a lot of manual setting this yar but the last fe times ive been out just set the camera to auto. my editing suite is coral paintshop pro mainly used to change light clarity and add or decrease exposure and light maybe add colour if I think it needs it

Lancashire lad

chief taster for costa coffee
28DL Full Member
yeh shooting j peg with the bridge , I don't have the option to shoot raw should of upgraded a long time ago to be honest just thought I could make do , and also ive been shooting a lot with auto being lazy I suppose I did a lot of manual setting this yar but the last fe times ive been out just set the camera to auto. my editing suite is coral paintshop pro mainly used to change light clarity and add or decrease exposure and light maybe add colour if I think it needs it
the water mark is mainly for the other groups im in on face book I was posting in a local town group and folk were sharing the piks without permission so added the mark to stop folk claiming the piks as there own


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Im not being overly critical for fun just offering some advice .
I've never use Auto mode for the simple.reason how does the camera know what you want regarding correct exposure and DOF etc etc the situations we find ourselves in in this Hobby are probably the most challenging you'll come across photography wise and need a little input either in camera or post . Personally I prefer to get the shot as best I can in camera as it was .....Others using Bracketed shots to cover a large EV range which dramatically improves this kind of stuff but again it's not exactly what we see but can be both nice and dramatic without resorting the Photomatix and the like .......shakes head !

Don't take this the wrong way but if I was using a name with Photography in it I'd do my best to actually use the camera properly ie off Auto settings it's only going to benefit you when you progress to a better model, but if your fully savvy even with the model youre used to you may ? have a similar struggle with the improved model.
I know people that have progressed to extremely capable DSLRs and stir shoot in auto mode purl because they never learnt to photograph properly so all they did is waste loads of cash and stir produce the same type of pics they were before. .......its not Rocket science, but you'd think it was lol

Lancashire lad

chief taster for costa coffee
28DL Full Member
Im not being overly critical for fun just offering some advice .
I've never use Auto mode for the simple.reason how does the camera know what you want regarding correct exposure and DOF etc etc the situations we find ourselves in in this Hobby are probably the most challenging you'll come across photography wise and need a little input either in camera or post . Personally I prefer to get the shot as best I can in camera as it was .....Others using Bracketed shots to cover a large EV range which dramatically improves this kind of stuff but again it's not exactly what we see but can be both nice and dramatic without resorting the Photomatix and the like .......shakes head !

Don't take this the wrong way but if I was using a name with Photography in it I'd do my best to actually use the camera properly ie off Auto settings it's only going to benefit you when you progress to a better model, but if your fully savvy even with the model youre used to you may ? have a similar struggle with the improved model.
I know people that have progressed to extremely capable DSLRs and stir shoot in auto mode purl because they never learnt to photograph properly so all they did is waste loads of cash and stir produce the same type of pics they were before. .......its not Rocket science, but you'd think it was lol
@ACID- REFLUX no offence taken I fully appreciate the advice and I like constructive criticism it helps me know where im going wrong like a I say outside of urbex the piks I produce look good and are received well in the photography community but when im in a derpy shit hole I seem to struggle somewhat sure I have captured some decent enough piks but id say 50-60% are in need of editing to get the best from them when I get home I don't necessarily want to rely on photo editing id rather take the image direct from the camera and produce a good image so no you don't offend me I appreciate all the help if its going to show in the piks cheers


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Have to agree with @ACID- REFLUX if you are upgrading to a DSLR try and learn the basics of your ISO, aperture and shutter seed and how they all relate to eachother or you will never get the most out of your camera. I started learning the basics (still learning and always will be) on a point and click and it made the change to DSLR less intimidating.

On occasions when my girlfriend takes pics of me with the baby etc she will use auto and I always have to salvage it in lightroom afterwards as the camera just seems to overcompensate everything.

Its a great and fun journey to learn and from the pics I've seen you post I'm sure you'll be producing some great work when you upgrade :)