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Report - Hunters Hill College - Worcestershire - May 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's a bit worse for wear, but it's not a bad mooch. Some nice wood panelling and features.
This was last weekend.






Great thanks for the pics. The woodwork looks really old compared to the rest of the campus


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Before it was absorbed into Hunters Hill College, the building over the road, Cropwood House, was bought from the Cadbury family and used as Cropwood Open Air School, a residential school where disadvantaged children would go to be taught outside away from the dangers of Tuberculosis. I believe it became part of Hunters Hill when that part was originally built in 1933 with Hunters Hill being for boys and Cropwood the girl's side. It's been closed a lot longer than the part photographed in the thread.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Before it was absorbed into Hunters Hill College, the building over the road, Cropwood House, was bought from the Cadbury family and used as Cropwood Open Air School, a residential school where disadvantaged children would go to be taught outside away from the dangers of Tuberculosis. I believe it became part of Hunters Hill when that part was originally built in 1933 with Hunters Hill being for boys and Cropwood the girl's side. It's been closed a lot longer than the part photographed in the thread.
Oh okay thanks for info. Yeah that does make a lot of sense when you compare the condition of the two places. Definitely on the list to go back and see Cropwood House.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Many thanks for posting these images up.

I was a pupil at Hunters Hill from 1993 through to 1997 and seeing these brought back some memories, It's a crying shame that the campus had fell into such disrepair over the years.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Many thanks for posting these images up.

I was a pupil at Hunters Hill from 1993 through to 1997 and seeing these brought back some memories, It's a crying shame that the campus had fell into such disrepair over the years.
No problem it was great fun. Yeah it's a real shame seems like such a waste.


28DL Member
28DL Member
No problem it was great fun. Yeah it's a real shame seems like such a waste.

When I was there, Cropwood house was used as homing for students when they turned 16 to prepare them for the big bad outside world, Caretakers house was down the drive beside the main road, And 3 of the 4 residential properties next to the main school grounds were housing for boys, and the slightly larger building to the left on the aerial shot was for the girl students.

It was a nice place and when I was looking through the OFSTED reports, Things only started going downhill after Mr Lewis had retired from the headteachers position.

It's a real shame as I had so many memories of that school while I was there.

So I take it the buildings are all still there now?

I would love more pictures of the school grounds, inside the buildings etc, perhaps even blueprints or something?

Not just for memorabilia but perhaps even to recreate in 3d and make the grounds closer to what I remember whilst I was there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I was there, Cropwood house was used as homing for students when they turned 16 to prepare them for the big bad outside world, Caretakers house was down the drive beside the main road, And 3 of the 4 residential properties next to the main school grounds were housing for boys, and the slightly larger building to the left on the aerial shot was for the girl students.

It was a nice place and when I was looking through the OFSTED reports, Things only started going downhill after Mr Lewis had retired from the headteachers position.

It's a real shame as I had so many memories of that school while I was there.

So I take it the buildings are all still there now?

I would love more pictures of the school grounds, inside the buildings etc, perhaps even blueprints or something?

Not just for memorabilia but perhaps even to recreate in 3d and make the grounds closer to what I remember whilst I was there.
Oh That's interesting. Yeah it's all still standing and structurally sound if you want to give it a visit. These are the best pics I got but most of the inside is pretty much similar with all the insides stripped.. there are some more pics in this post of the house opposite.

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