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Information - I worked at monckton coke+chemical

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shaun hornby

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi everyone, new to this page and I've noticed there is a lot of interest in monckton coke and chemical plant. I used to work there at the heart of it as an oven man! I was a trainer training new oven men how to operate the machines, I have as much info as anyone could possibly want, I have loads of pictures and videos, I also took videos of each and every job on a go pro when they announced redundancy was coming, I know a fair bit of history about Monckton too, and may be able to get some photos from the past as we had some monckton history books locked away made from decades of photos and I will TRY to get my hands on these, I'll put some photos up later on but if anyone wants to know anything at all please pm me on Facebook @ shaun hornby

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
I'd like to see that, very sad that the site closed.

Most of the people who explore these places do it for the history and fascination of things gone by, it's ok looking at something and wondering how it worked, far better to see it in action to appreciate the work which was done at these places.
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shaun hornby

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When you work there you take it as every day life, but when it was gone and I was called back to dismantle things it wasn't the same, it was one of those jobs where we were all very close friends, very good banter and abuse for 12 hours straight and good fun! The job itself was very physical and demanding at times, the summer months were killer as we didn't really get looked after and management were not bothered about the working conditions ect... but management aside monckton was the best work place I've ever been, best job and always will be remembered and I'm still in contact with all my old workmates, we spent more time together than we did with our families working those 12 hour shifts

shaun hornby

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Few pics off my Facebook, got better ones of the machinery in action ect on my other phone :), we wore balaclavas a lot in the winter or when it was windy to stop the coke dust going down our neck.


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The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Be nice to see mate but you need to add just the image links rather than the above please

Works for me clicking each photo. Not ideal, but as I doubt you'll be see Shaun exploring asylums, culvers, high places, etc I can live with that.

Looks like a good set of lads you worked alongside Shaun, that's half the fun of working in places like tis, probably more than half most days.