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Report - - ICI plant protection Offices - November 2022 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - ICI plant protection Offices - November 2022


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice first report. I love the fifth photo with the glass, really crisp!

Just add the month and year to the title of your report if you can, just to keep titles consistent on the forum!

Looks like it's gotten worse since I visited in spring last year, they also removed a few bits there was an old Jaguar XJ X300 which they have removed.
Yes I got down recently and had a decent look around for it, having never been there before. Shame to hear its gone.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Since my nephew has been watching 'exploring' videos on YouTube he's been asking me if I'd take him some place. This place is about as chilled out as it gets for a first explore and from his perspective it was 'pretty sick'. From my perspective, the place is a complete mess and about as uninspiring as buildings get, there's not even anything of interest inside. So unless you're some sort of ICI fanboy then the most interesting aspects are the graffiti (of which there is some really good stuff) and the occasional picturesque spot where nature has beautified the ugliness. We did happen upon a make-shift skate set-up, ramps, rails, coping, etc, that was pretty neat.





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