Firstly, thanks very much to Lost for the invitation and a very big thanks to Zimbob for arranging it all
this was my first underground explore (apart from roc's) it was great, After a small drive about finding it we, received the keys and were on our way. So some history on the site, it was constructed between 1939 and 1941, it consists of 6 cells with two access tunnels. Cells no's 1-5 are 237 metres long, the 6th is 170 metres. The first five have the storage capacity of 5.6 million gallons.
A four mile pipeline was layed between the storage depot and the Seabank Tank Farm. A major pumping station was at Tomich, while there were two smaller stations, one halfway along the Tomich Road, the other where the pipeline crosses the Scotsburn Road.
The fuel was pumped up to the caverns at Inchindown, while the fuel flowed under gravity in the opposite direction. To ease the flow in cold weather, heaters were installed on the pipeline every 200 yards or so.
Exterior of Larger Tunnel
Open, Lost minus camera
Just Inside
Light at the end..
Looking inside a cell
Deep Tunnel
February 1941
It was a brilliant explore, would have liked to have gotten inside one of the tanks but my shoulders were too wide
need to take someone smaller next time
Thanks again Zimbob

A four mile pipeline was layed between the storage depot and the Seabank Tank Farm. A major pumping station was at Tomich, while there were two smaller stations, one halfway along the Tomich Road, the other where the pipeline crosses the Scotsburn Road.
The fuel was pumped up to the caverns at Inchindown, while the fuel flowed under gravity in the opposite direction. To ease the flow in cold weather, heaters were installed on the pipeline every 200 yards or so.
Exterior of Larger Tunnel
Open, Lost minus camera

Just Inside
Light at the end..
Looking inside a cell
Deep Tunnel
February 1941
It was a brilliant explore, would have liked to have gotten inside one of the tanks but my shoulders were too wide

Thanks again Zimbob