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Report - - Interzone - Sheffield - 23/08/2023 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Interzone - Sheffield - 23/08/2023

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Interzone is the longest culvert of 4 on the Bagley Dike.
Its length is unknown but from mapwork it seems to be around 1.5 km of stoopy mess..

Ive had my eyes on this culvert for quite a while now, but I had trouble working out where to get in and how to approach finding this shithole...
I had heard many bad experiences from the culvert, especially the stoopyness.
I decided today I would finally pull the broomstick out my arse and get to work.

Problems with the way to get in.
The culvert infalls somewhere next to the Northern General, specifially near its GP center carpark but I am aware that you are not able to approach from this way..
The other way in is a small outfall next to Owler Lane, which to my knowledge and understanding, is an overflow/diversion tunnel for Interzone itself(?)
But coming up to it I noticed a proper stink coming from it, and a fog when I shined a torch up it.
Besides, its only 3ft and it gets worse than that..

Another way in was to drop down beside the bridge culvert infall at Owler Lane, but upon arrival I realised it was a good 13ft drop which I would NOT be able to do without rope.

The only way that was slightly comfy, was to approach the Owler Lane bridge culvert from its outfall, which is 3ft waterlogged culvert.. Luckily however this does not last long and it opens up to 5ft after around 15 meters

(note the tunnel past the 2 small archways, thats the diversion/overflow tunnel)


Me being a clumsy twat I had only brought wellies, and I wasnt expecting to have to wade through this section, so up to crotch deep I was in stinky water!
15 or so meters of waterlogged crouch-walking and it opens to a slightly more roomy culvert.


And yes, the clay face is still there!

What a lovely little addition to the culvert! Its grinning as if it knows what you just put yourself through, and whats to come..

Round some nice brick culvert:

And we finally get some fresh air!

We follow it upstream around 50 meters to interzone itself!

Looking back at the infall.


Round the corner and there it is:

Looking back, note the branches covered in rags.. theres a reason for this that we will see very soon..

Anyway, in we go!
Back to basics, 5ft slippy brick which went on for a while until we see a small confluence:


You could hear cars clanging over manholes up ahead in the confluence

Round the corner and we see the diversion tunnel:


So again, my guess is that when the water gets fast enough, this is used to transport more water than the initial culvert can handle, so just an old culvert that they decided to make into a relief system for the Bagley Dyke.

Kinda reminds me of the Car Brook and its diversion, I just wonder why they fit a penstock over the connection to the old section of culvert..

Anyway, Im getting offtrack! Lets get back to interzone:


Soon enough we have a small section of concrete, this was fit to house a CSO outfall.
I did head up the CSO pipe but it suddenly got mega foggy and the gas meter was kicking off, so I turned back..
..getting a headache as I'm writing this!



Now to old brick and stone, similar to some sections in St00p Sc00p S00p..
Note the fog, the drain gods were not happy with me today!


In one section, the floor had oddly been risen..
Whether this was intentional or not I don't know, but this was a bugger to walk on


Much newer concrete chamber built into a section of the culvert, was a blessing to stand up straight for a minute or two!

Quite deep underground, still dont understand why some sections are SO stoopy?

Nice little slide:

Then all of a sudden, 3ft or probably less:

I didnt even bother to try traverse this with no kneepads, I suppose I do need to return some day, but Ill need some encouraging...

It was back out the culvert for me, and a good dry off!


As I walked back, I noticed a peculiar manhole, with a strange orange tint in it...
Looking down it I noticed it was a manhole on the diversion tunnel!



You can try all you want to get me in that bastard, but I'm giving it a hard PASS!

Will I return here? Probably..
In the near future? Maybe..
I have seen good things up ahead in reports, but I dont know if ill even bother to crawl up that 3ft shitty culvert to see it..
Hope you enjoyed this report!

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
This drain is a tuff one ! looks like they have cleaned it out good and proper since i went down well done on getting down there :thumb

Regular User
This drain is a tuff one ! looks like they have cleaned it out good and proper since i went down well done on getting down there :thumb
when you said "its abit of a drop" when talking about the way to get to interzone, i was NOT expecting that much of a drop haha ! cheers jezz


28DL Regular User
Regular User
good video i climbed in at the drop lost my camera one freezing cold morning in them first stoopy waterlogged tunnels ,its a hell of a lot cleaner than when i did it lol , further up it does go to brick pipe and you can stand up straight but its along way and you need a trolley cart / skateboard as its that low you cant even stoop ! very tuff one this try unknown pleasures next thats a better one :thumb

Regular User
good video i climbed in at the drop lost my camera one freezing cold morning in them first stoopy waterlogged tunnels ,its a hell of a lot cleaner than when i did it lol , further up it does go to brick pipe and you can stand up straight but its along way and you need a trolley cart / skateboard as its that low you cant even stoop ! very tuff one this try unknown pleasures next thats a better one :thumb
ive had a trouble with getting to the outfall of that one. a PM with some advise would help! cheers jezz as always :p