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Report - James Thomas Engineering Worcester

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Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ill have a hunt!
beware in the hoarders house on the way in there is a water well.
its covered up by fencing just thought id let you know!
I am not going to the house and I’ve been to the courthouse but it’s smashed up and been abandoned for 20 plus years and there’s a market next to it too but stripped and the way in is hard


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am not going to the house and I’ve been to the courthouse but it’s smashed up and been abandoned for 20 plus years and there’s a market next to it too but stripped and the way in is hard
yes i heard of the vourt house
also theres a petrol station and house someone has reported on here.
i used to pass it every day...meber been in tho
probs go the weekend
its the a422

Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks and yeah lol
My pics are of kiddy courthouse and Birmingham and Wolverhampton


Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
hoarders house it totally fucked really.
but worth if your passing.
drove past the other day by the incinerator but didn't stop.
Ive heard of people having issues there!

what issues you heard with the incinerator, been a few times over the years and never had a problem, got some new srt toys that i want to try out so was gonna go chuck a rope over the back....


Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
i drink in the pub round the corner, looks as trashed as i thought it would be, good on you for bothering though and not being a lazy shit like me :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
James Thomas is still accessible, They did an appalling job at fencing it off, you could get a small car through the gap they left.

Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
James Thomas is still accessible, They did an appalling job at fencing it off, you could get a small car through the gap they left.
Aha sweet well last time I went not long ago a security guard was by gate in his jaguar but from the end of the engineering place if u take a good look u will see that all or most of those buildings are abandoned too

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