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Report - - John Bull Rubber & Corah Works Leicester 06-2013 | Industrial Sites |

Report - John Bull Rubber & Corah Works Leicester 06-2013


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
John Bull Rubber and Corah Works Leicester, visited with Camerashy and thanks to Urbex1988 and Ju Ju for the hospitality and the guided tour. You know when you leave something thinking i'll do that next week and it never comes and when you do get round to it it's to late? well this is what happened with Corah works, totally trashed and looking back on previous reports i may have been better going some 5 years earlier or so....oh well never that will teach me. some areas are still photogenic and you can still get a sense of the huge scale the factory was, the experience was still an enjoyable one and i'm glad in the end i got to see it. Next on the list was John Bull Rubber and i think went on to be Dunlop, again a stripped out site but a joy to shoot. i love these old 1920's-30's buildings with their long windows and wood panel rooms and stairwells. All in all a great day and i cant wait to get back and have a another look what's on offer in the area.

John Bull Rubber

The Leicester Rubber Company was formed in 1906 by John Cecil Burton and his brother Cecil Hubert. The company’s success led to a further name change in 1934 when the Leicester Rubber Company became the John Bull Rubber Company Ltd. For the following two decades, the John Bull Rubber Company continued to manufacture tyres for cars, motorcycles, bicycles & prams. It was in 1955 that John Bull became merged with another company, Metalastik, and thus the John Bull company name became relegated to automotive history. Possibly closed around 2006.​












Corah Works​











