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Report - - John Munroe Hospital, Leek - March 2023 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - John Munroe Hospital, Leek - March 2023


28DL Regular User
Regular User
John Munroe Hospital, Leek, Staffs

A 57-bed psychiatric hospital at the edge of the North Staffordshire town of Leek which overlooks the picturesque Rudyard Lake near the Cheshire border.

The modern hospital buildings are built around a Victorian villa called ‘Fairview’ which was constructed in 1879/1880 by John Munroe, who was a wine & spirit dealer from the Scottish Highlands.

The hospital closed in early 2022 after being rated ‘inadequate’ by inspectors twice within a year. The 4.95 acre site is currently for sale for £2,000,000.

Fairly relaxed solo visit here last Spring. The power was off for most of the site but still a lot of disconcerting beeping noises coming from various things, just to keep you on edge!

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I guess the issue with modern psychiatric hospitals is that they just tend to resemble large care homes really!​

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Very clean after a year of closure. And agree, the waste is always annoying to see. But makes for good photos for us.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I'm very local to this spot, been around it but never inside, certainly want to though. And I think the name Zoe in that photo of the whiteboard is my best friend's Mum 😂

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