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Featured Report - - Jumping Jack Flash – UK Industry ( AKA Gas Holder Porn )– 1700’s -2022 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 4 |

Featured Report - Jumping Jack Flash – UK Industry ( AKA Gas Holder Porn )– 1700’s -2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Finally finished giving this the thorough read through and attention it deserves. Bravo mate, this is just outstanding. Glad to see it’s been moved to noteworthy, absolutely deserves to be in there after the amount of effort involved both with the leg work and write up! How the fuck are you gonna top this one!?

mockney reject

Staff member
weight. proper project this, more of a reference book than a report. top work man.

As i was writing it a few people suggested it would make a good book, but we all know what happens to explorers that write books :(

mockney reject

Staff member
Finally finished giving this the thorough read through and attention it deserves. Bravo mate, this is just outstanding. Glad to see it’s been moved to noteworthy, absolutely deserves to be in there after the amount of effort involved both with the leg work and write up! How the fuck are you gonna top this one!?

Thanks dude

As for topping it, dunno I may just disappear into the ether now lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I never realised gas holders were so interesting, there's some gems there.
When I first saw your report I thought I have a quick flip through, an hour or so later I'd just about skimmed the surface.

Top work mate


Tomb Raider
28DL Full Member
Now that's a lot of gas :p
Awesome work!
Great to see people still on it and a few updates on the holders are doing these days.

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