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Report - - Kingsdown Quarry | Swan Mine - June 2020 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Kingsdown Quarry | Swan Mine - June 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Kingsdown Quarry is commonly referred to as Swan Mine. This is a small bath stone quarry lying under the hillside along the road from Bathford to Kingsdown.

The Explore.
Visited with a non-member. Making our way to the Swan Inn having parked up relatively close. We set up to the opposite side of the road encroaching upon the tree-side. Firstly we recognised an opening that was likely the entrance marked on the map as 'east 1', we decided not to look here yet as we was pretty excited to find the main entrance the gulch. and seeing it for the first time, you sort of scratch your head thinking... "how am I getting in there?".

Here are some of the images of the explore. I am not a big photographer - so image quality may not be up to the standard of some users. but alas!

1) - Window-To-Grotto


2) - Roof Crevices


3) - Any-one know what all the black swirls are?


4) - Following main road


5) - Further along main road


6) - Original Chain-Links and other miscellaneous tools / metals


7) - Huge rock fall. Really gives you a sense of scale and appreciation to how dangerous this location is. By this point we figured we should speed up the trip.


8) - The Crane, Quite cool to see this up close


9) - Crane (Top Part)


10) - The last thing you want to hear cracking is these.


11) - time to head back


12) - not far now


14) - Home time


Overall a really interesting place to explore. I understand Bath/Corsham is home to many greater mines. Will do my best to check out some others in the future.


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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Some good shots in there. Looks like a lot of squeezes around. Looks somewhat sketchy in places. Anyway well done on first report. :thumb

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Hello mate just to let you no fair play for going in doing a good post , personally I don’t think posting the addit is correct, please don’t take affence to this it just shows every you tuber the way in and people who love to vandalise also we don’t want the beautiful cranes getting destroyed and people getting lost in them again


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello mate just to let you no fair play for going in doing a good post , personally I don’t think posting the addit is correct, please don’t take affence to this it just shows every you tuber the way in and people who love to vandalise also we don’t want the beautiful cranes getting destroyed and people getting lost in them again
I agree - lack of foresight on my part

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