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Report - Knolle Park aka St Gabriel's Convent (Liverpool, Oct, 2017)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Jim, I wonder if you remember one of the staff at knolle Park, a lady called Teresa (Teresa Mary Tyrrell). She was a relative of ours and grew up there and stayed all her life working there at the children’s home in the nursery. She would teach dancing and put on lots of shows and would always decorate the convent at Christmas.
I remember Theresa. She was our primary carer (along with my two sisters) I was 5 years old when I arrived my sister's where 6 years and 18 months. The mother superior and sister Gertrude where especially king to me. I have some fond memories. And some not so fond (Andy Christian) say no more. I was later at age 7 sent to boarding school in Devon.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Well done for getting in and getting some great photographs. I visited the site myself just before the fire, about six months before yourselves. The front door was open and I wandered around freely. More of the innards of the main building remained, but it was otherwise similar to how you show it here. I wandered around the place for about an hour and took lots of photographs. In my case I had a very personal reason for visiting, which was that I had lived there as a child between the ages of four and six. I have some good memories of that time, back in the late 1960s. Others I know have less positive memories of the place. I hope the building is put to use
Yes, they are my earliest memories. Back then, the home was alive with dozens of children of all ages and nuns hovering about supervising everything. The house and grounds seemed much larger then, of course. I got in incredibly easily when I visited last year. The site was even less secure before the fire. One could easily sneak through the side of the security fence and the front door of the house was wide open. I even came away with a memento; a stair rail, which is now sitting in my house. There were piles of them out front. There may be other former children's homes in this state, though most homes from that era seem to have long since been converted into private properties of various kinds.

I've looked at your website before and got photographs of West Cheshire Mental Hospital from when it was derelict. It was the home of my mother at the same time as my brother and I were at Knolle Park. I'm pleased you are recording some of these places as so many people have memories of them.
Hi Jim. My dad was at Knolle park around 1968 he was 5 years old with his 2 brothers. I would love to find more about what you remember which I can understand can be difficult to go back to them days as from what Iv heard it wasn’t overalls nice. But if you can drop me a message or have any pictures from before it was vandalised I would really appreciate it.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I remember Theresa. She was our primary carer (along with my two sisters) I was 5 years old when I arrived my sister's where 6 years and 18 months. The mother superior and sister Gertrude where especially king to me. I have some fond memories. And some not so fond (Andy Christian) say no more. I was later at age 7 sent to boarding school in Devon.
Wow you must have a good memory! We always called her Auntie Mary she was a lovely lady and adored all of us growing up. It’s sad to see the place as it is now. She was there until she passed away at the age of 98 (I think). We found out lots more about her past and family recently when looking into the family tree.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Yes, they are my earliest memories. Back then, the home was alive with dozens of children of all ages and nuns hovering about supervising everything. The house and grounds seemed much larger then, of course. I got in incredibly easily when I visited last year. The site was even less secure before the fire. One could easily sneak through the side of the security fence and the front door of the house was wide open. I even came away with a memento; a stair rail, which is now sitting in my house. There were piles of them out front. There may be other former children's homes in this state, though most homes from that era seem to have long since been converted into private properties of various kinds.

I've looked at your website before and got photographs of West Cheshire Mental Hospital from when it was derelict. It was the home of my mother at the same time as my brother and I were at Knolle Park. I'm pleased you are recording some of these places as so many people have memories of them.
Hello my uncles were all there around 1968 I am literally trying to find anyone who has any info for them to piece together there past. There was 3 of them, Colin. Keith and Barry Mundle or Bennett

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