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Report - - Ladywell baths and playtower, Lewisham, London - February 2015 | Leisure Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Ladywell baths and playtower, Lewisham, London - February 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
nice one mate, i paid it a visit aswell, your right about it not being worth it..well i think u covered most of it, so i wont put up my report lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As i said in the other thread it looked so promising from the outside too. Still a good effort all the same and its always worth having a good mooch about in these places sometimes things can be uncovered having laid there for years and years.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I remember playing 5-a-side football here in the 1970’s. Great atmosphere as the other teams would watch and cheer (or jeer) from the balconies.

Hello petal

28DL Member
28DL Member
I would absolutely love to be able to buy this building, its beautiful, would make a stunning home. ( dream big ) lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers for the report! I passed it numerous times and always wondered how it look inside. I can see it's look nicer from the outside. Have you tried get into Riley's snooker hall by railway bridge, in Lewisham? I went to the site once alone, tried to gain entry inside the building but I didn't have any backup. And suddenly I saw from the roof there were groups of youths running on the streets, chasing someone or running away . I left the side unnoticed, literally pass the gang, then police arrived and cordoned off streets in both directions! Sadly there must be some crime committed nearby. Returned few weeks after and Riley's was occupied by squatters - again wrong place at the wrong time!

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