Welcome back to largantoger again this time ive got very good photos this time ive done snoop round both these places that ive got the chance today. Heres the history of largantogher as far as i know there was a huge mansion in the plantin at the time it was a plantation house surrounded by walls that are still visable today but the house was knocked down in the 1950s60s for the school which is aalso knocked down today .There is still a debate about the highschool grounds over business units or a park. The plantin is being updated this minute due to be completed in may this year its expanded north to connect to a pretty site called the walled garden and an old church st lurachs the tower is 800 years old and the main hall is built afterwards this will be all in one soon. Heres is a map of the plantin.
Now what i have done is i colour coded the important parts The Blue stands for the Largantogher Brook which starts north of the town and flows into a storm drain that flows under town for quite a bit picking up multiple drain pipes and then dumps out in craigadick park in a mini forest area im still waiting to get to that tunnel if its big enough it flows open here through this wee forest goes under craigadick road and then it then flows into a big tunnel that flows under cherryhill housing estate. that tunnel that is Referred as Largantogher Haunted Tunnel named after the plantin ive explored it multiple times now. The brook flows out of the large tunnel and falls over 3 steps into the plantin here the brook cut out solid rock. It then flows under the Wall bridge and flows open through the dark plantin forest until it reaches Dead Mans bridge and flows through open fields and then flows through another culvert that goes under mullagh road and comes out through a hefty flap and flows a few meters into the larger Milltown Burn.
The Red stands for the Lost Brook which is just and open sewer these days pish and raw shite everywhere lie along this brook. The brook comes out of a 3 foot RCP located in the deep spooky section of plantin surrounded by 4 foot guard rails. The smell of the tunnel is unreal at times it mostly smells like someone takes a dump and does not flush afterwards if you know what i mean. I have no ideaa where the brook originates from it was covered up 50 years go or so to be used as a relief sewer it used to be a brook flowng through green fields back in my grannys day she told me about it and how it looked. The Lost brook is not only polluted with sewerage but also bulky things like bikes scooters wood traffic cones things like that just thrown over the barrier awaiting nature to take the course.
Dead Mans Walk is an old disused path in the far end of the plantin. It is localy known as this because a depressed sucidal man hung himself down this path i do not know where or when. I mind walking down this path before it became all overgrown. The Lost brook flows beside the trail at the bottom here.
The main path is the main plantin path still in use but being upgraded at this time.
New Path is a newer section built near the old wall comming up to the haunted tunnel.
heres the photos
We start at the haunted tunnel and follow the brook first
The bottom of the weir lying a single lone chair.
The Brook With the tunnel in tha background A cut tree fell over a part of the weir
Solid rock cut out by the largantogher brook i aadmit it i near had a wet arse.
Deep uncrossaabe pool i had to ditch the river here
Looking upstream from wall bridge.
Wall bridge itself it get the name from the ancient wall adjacent to it. The brook is dull here because of the trees covering the whole thing.
An old seat and plastic lying in the brook sorry for the bad picture.
The only bit of light penetrating the trees.
on to the spooky dark section.
A small rill flowing into the brook.
Rubbish Beside the brook.
An old gas cylinder.
I got out of the brook here to look at the lost brook so now ON TO THE LOST BROOK.
This is the Largantogher sewer overflow now the source of the Lost Brook as you can see more crap has been dumped over into the pond beneath the pipe or tunnel.
The lost brook discharging out of the sewer tunnel.
Wideshot of the brook tumbling down the rocks into the pool as you can see the rubbish lying in the water.
That green bike is actully a brand new one fresh out of the shop what a waste now lying the the lost brook.
Further downstream.
Pallet thrown across the brook in dead mans walk.
It then meets the largantogher brook just at the top of this picture. View from dead mans bridge.
The brook flowing out of the forest other side of dead man bridge.
Dead mans walk path
Im sorry of the bad picture but if you can make ot out this is the path now aall dug up for a new wider clean path. the rais in the background is the lost brook overflow.
The brand new path you can might just make out the Largntogher hauanted big tunnel in the distance to the left.
Looking towards the original path.
Now what i have done is i colour coded the important parts The Blue stands for the Largantogher Brook which starts north of the town and flows into a storm drain that flows under town for quite a bit picking up multiple drain pipes and then dumps out in craigadick park in a mini forest area im still waiting to get to that tunnel if its big enough it flows open here through this wee forest goes under craigadick road and then it then flows into a big tunnel that flows under cherryhill housing estate. that tunnel that is Referred as Largantogher Haunted Tunnel named after the plantin ive explored it multiple times now. The brook flows out of the large tunnel and falls over 3 steps into the plantin here the brook cut out solid rock. It then flows under the Wall bridge and flows open through the dark plantin forest until it reaches Dead Mans bridge and flows through open fields and then flows through another culvert that goes under mullagh road and comes out through a hefty flap and flows a few meters into the larger Milltown Burn.
The Red stands for the Lost Brook which is just and open sewer these days pish and raw shite everywhere lie along this brook. The brook comes out of a 3 foot RCP located in the deep spooky section of plantin surrounded by 4 foot guard rails. The smell of the tunnel is unreal at times it mostly smells like someone takes a dump and does not flush afterwards if you know what i mean. I have no ideaa where the brook originates from it was covered up 50 years go or so to be used as a relief sewer it used to be a brook flowng through green fields back in my grannys day she told me about it and how it looked. The Lost brook is not only polluted with sewerage but also bulky things like bikes scooters wood traffic cones things like that just thrown over the barrier awaiting nature to take the course.
Dead Mans Walk is an old disused path in the far end of the plantin. It is localy known as this because a depressed sucidal man hung himself down this path i do not know where or when. I mind walking down this path before it became all overgrown. The Lost brook flows beside the trail at the bottom here.
The main path is the main plantin path still in use but being upgraded at this time.
New Path is a newer section built near the old wall comming up to the haunted tunnel.
heres the photos
We start at the haunted tunnel and follow the brook first
The bottom of the weir lying a single lone chair.
The Brook With the tunnel in tha background A cut tree fell over a part of the weir
Solid rock cut out by the largantogher brook i aadmit it i near had a wet arse.
Deep uncrossaabe pool i had to ditch the river here
Looking upstream from wall bridge.
Wall bridge itself it get the name from the ancient wall adjacent to it. The brook is dull here because of the trees covering the whole thing.
An old seat and plastic lying in the brook sorry for the bad picture.
The only bit of light penetrating the trees.
on to the spooky dark section.
A small rill flowing into the brook.
Rubbish Beside the brook.
An old gas cylinder.
I got out of the brook here to look at the lost brook so now ON TO THE LOST BROOK.
This is the Largantogher sewer overflow now the source of the Lost Brook as you can see more crap has been dumped over into the pond beneath the pipe or tunnel.
The lost brook discharging out of the sewer tunnel.
Wideshot of the brook tumbling down the rocks into the pool as you can see the rubbish lying in the water.
That green bike is actully a brand new one fresh out of the shop what a waste now lying the the lost brook.
Further downstream.
Pallet thrown across the brook in dead mans walk.
It then meets the largantogher brook just at the top of this picture. View from dead mans bridge.
The brook flowing out of the forest other side of dead man bridge.
Dead mans walk path
Im sorry of the bad picture but if you can make ot out this is the path now aall dug up for a new wider clean path. the rais in the background is the lost brook overflow.
The brand new path you can might just make out the Largntogher hauanted big tunnel in the distance to the left.
Looking towards the original path.