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Report - - Lightwater Valley - North Yorkshire, UK - December 2022 | Leisure Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Lightwater Valley - North Yorkshire, UK - December 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Did you not attempt to climb the big towers, iam not great with heights but pushed myself to the top and nearly threw up when I looked over the edge, we then just walked round the rest of the site I even slid down the falls of terror and got soaked at the bottom but was worth a giggle.. One that's has to be done before its gone for sure..


Explorer 007

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Did you not attempt to climb the big towers, iam not great with heights but pushed myself to the top and nearly threw up when I looked over the edge, we then just walked round the rest of the site I even slid down the falls of terror and got soaked at the bottom but was worth a giggle.. One that's has to be done before its gone for sure..

More photos/content to follow at a later date. :)

Dan Halen

28DL Member
28DL Member
Really glad you were able to do this Richie (and the rest of the 28DLers). Definitely something I've wanted to do for a while but as you know from the offline world, I couldn't come with you at the time you were planning. I'm glad my hint was successful in the way you acquired entry though. Seeya in a few months hopefully. :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great to see these pictures, I went on the ultimate just before it opened to the public in 1991 when I was working with lifting gear hire fitting the rescue winches (the winches that pulled it up to the top on a hill if it stalled)
I always said I would return at some point on the last 30 years but never got round to it.
I remember taking our old boss on it with who who was terrified of roller coasters and van vividly remember a grown man screaming and threatening us with our P45 !
I was 20 years old at the time and have returned back to the job I had back then altho it is now with speedy hire who bought lifting gear out.

Happy Times 😀


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The only rollercoaster I have been on that broke down twice with us on it, in one day!! Will definitely be missed even though the rest of the park isnt worth visiting! Havent been for years even though its just down the road.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I went here the other week with my drone, looking at going back soon would love to get closer if anyone has any tips on gaining access.


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Any plans of a drone visit? All track gone but station exists (for now)
I think the station is likely to survive for a few years, didn’t they spend a load of money doing up the stuff on the ground floor last winter?

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