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Report - - Littlewoods Air Raid Shelter, Liverpool- July 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Littlewoods Air Raid Shelter, Liverpool- July 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The History: This air raid shelter was built before World War Two for the workers of the nearby Littlewoods Pools building. Several entrances were available for the staff. The factory building itself was used for several purposes during the war, including printing National Registration forms, code breaking and helping to assemble RAF bombers. According to the Subbrit site, the shelter is 300m long and it is laid out in a grid with 13 entrances (most of which have been backfilled with rubble). The unusual feature about this air raid shelter is the intricate paintings that line the walls on the South side. They are in excellent condition, due to the lack of light in the shelter.

Kyle May has done research into these paintings, and you can read about it here:

The Explore: I went with a friend around midday on a Saturday. Upon reaching the entrance point, we spotted a couple of bikes and it was clear that there were people inside. Rather than potentially spook them by running into them underground, we decided to wait and see if they emerged. We sat on the grass and I began setting up my camera and getting my tripod out. A woman walked past and was interested in what we were doing. She even told us to go down into the air raid shelter and take some photographs of the paintings on the walls, so the place must be very common knowledge to locals! We eventually waited about 20 minutes but we were too excited to go down, so we decided to just go for it, and hope we didn’t frighten the people already down there. In the end, we didn’t even run into them as the place is so huge. We must have turned the opposite direction to them as we could hear them leaving about 10 minutes into the explore.

Pictures are taken on a Fujifilm x100s, using a tripod and basic light painting techniques. I am a complete novice in terms of photography, especially in no/ low light conditions so any tips or advice would be very welcome!
















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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah man, I'm sincerely sorry for that article in the Echo, I'm a total sellout :D

The main idea of that was to hopefully get some more memories from older people, and to put pressure on the council to seal it up before some dipshit with a spray can drew Hitler taches on all the artwork and changed the signs to 'Turn Right And Fuck'. In the end it was a fail; the council continued to do fuck all and I didn't really get any useful info, so I regret giving that shitty rag advertising clicks.

Btw those are some solid shots, how are you finding the X100? For urbex the wide angle conversion lens is well worth it if you can get one secondhand at a good price.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah man, I'm sincerely sorry for that article in the Echo, I'm a total sellout :D

The main idea of that was to hopefully get some more memories from older people, and to put pressure on the council to seal it up before some dipshit with a spray can drew Hitler taches on all the artwork and changed the signs to 'Turn Right And Fuck'. In the end it was a fail; the council continued to do fuck all and I didn't really get any useful info, so I regret giving that shitty rag advertising clicks.

Btw those are some solid shots, how are you finding the X100? For urbex the wide angle conversion lens is well worth it if you can get one secondhand at a good price.
It seems like a really interesting project! I would be interested to hear more about it if you have managed to do any further research. The X100 is a really good little camera, still getting to grips with it to be honest. Thanks for the advice about the wide angle conversion- definitely going to look into that.


28DL Member
28DL Member
They have now been bolted shut

someone went live streaming the air raid shelter few week back and they was bolted shut the next day

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