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Report - - Liverpool Hydraulics 3 - Cheapside warehouse (Liverpool, Jan, 2018) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Liverpool Hydraulics 3 - Cheapside warehouse (Liverpool, Jan, 2018)

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28DL Regular User
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Another Liverpool warehouse, this time a little narrow one spanning the alleys of Cheapside and Hockenhall.
Although a listed building (Warehouse, Central, Liverpool), it’s due to be converted into luxury apartments, so I went to see what was left early one morning.
The most interesting feature, although I didn't realise at the time, was a water-powered 'jigger' lift in the attic.


In the basement we have a messy little office, maybe last used in the early 90’s, and a metal-bashing shop with lathe, drills, welding stuff, a bending/shaping press and other bits and pieces.





This is a fireproof warehouse so the ceiling of the basement is arched brickwork supported by cast iron columns and the stone stairs have metal doors and door frames.


Ground floor mostly empty, with the ceiling now wood, with thick beams.


On the first floor another squalid little office and a mostly empty space.




The light in the window is not the sun coming up, but a street light outside.


Second floor another empty storage space, with a lower ceiling.



The loft….


..with the original hoist machinery.


The hoist nearest the door (above left and bottom right) had an electric motor with a series of pulleys and lines, one going via a roof truss.
However I really ought to have done more homework before exploring this place. Not only did I forget to check if the electric motor was in fact original (1884 seems quite early), but I hadn’t realised that this is a double ended warehouse and missed the other hoist at the far end completely.
Its the sloping object you can see at the end of the room. Luckily the Liverpool Echo did a good piece on this place in 2015 and I’ve included their picture of the sloping hoist (top right, IN PICTURES: Historic Liverpool warehouse and 18th century workers' dwelling).

Since the building is listed these old hoists will presumably end up as ‘features’ in someone’s loft apartment. Finally a view from the rear.
There is also another tiny warehouse behind the scaffolding - it’s mentioned in the Echo article above - but there was no obvious access at the time.

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Always love your reports as they are thorough and informative and this one's no different. Top Stuff...
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just for the record, the tiny place behind the scaffolding (10 Hockenhall Alley) became accessible recently so I’ll add a few pics here.

According to the listing ( “It is a rare and important survival of an exceptionally modest working class dwelling that illustrates the inner-city living conditions of some of the poorest members of late C18/early C19 society. It retains some original features, such as the narrow timber winder stair, a plank and batten door, and lath and plaster ceilings”.

Perhaps appropriately it now seems to be a homeless hangout - as I was leaving a character turned up clutching a bundle of cardboard and a large bottle of cider.

Front and rear.


Inside pictures go from the ground floor up.








grey since Nov 6, 2018
28DL Full Member
its called Ex directory.. go inside the phonebox and ring the number on the phone and they will open a door in there for you

Davey E

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Did a guided walk around here last week ( Hidden Liverpool). No sign of any building work on the warehouse but the small house now has a steel plate across the doorway so access now firmly secured!