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Report - - Liverpool university - derby and heartily buildings(June 2020) | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Liverpool university - derby and heartily buildings(June 2020)

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
@Explorer budge
It’s not that I’m triggered mate, it’s that it clearly states in the dos and don’ts of the site not to ask for locations. The site isn’t for begs. People need to learn if they want to go and see something, do the work yourself and stop feeding off others.
Totally with Chills here on all


Queller of the uprising
Well this blew up more than expected haha. By the way "fellas" is a shortening of "fellows", which is gender neutral.
I'm new to this forum, I probably should have read the rules prior. Apologies for that.
Although I know the way in now and I'll probably use it. Is there a way to privately DM people on this site so I can find access points without breaking any rules?

There is a message function on the site, but still, dropping people messages out of the blue to ask for access info I’m sure won’t go down well.

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