The Bank Job

After entertaining ourselves into the small hours, until it was sufficiently quiet enough to climb a bank in the middle of town.. we set off..
Crossing the car park to the rear of the bank and we walk straight round the corner and bump into a police van and two of Cumbrias finest

Their window rolls down and the coversation goes something like his-
PC- Alright lads, what you upto?
Us- Just off out to do a bit of night photography..
PC- Oh right, nice, where you been?
Us- Er, were on our way out..
PC- What cameras you got?
Us- Nikon, Canon...
PC- You havent already been stopped tonight have you?
Us- Na
30 seconds later and we were round the corner and climbing to the roof

Some info on the clock and building-
The Savings' Bank is a handsome building, in Union street, erected in 1838, in the Italian style of architecture, with a tower, in which is an excellent clock, made by Roberts and Dobinson, of Manchester; and three bells, the largest of which is fourteen hundred weight. This provident institution was established at Ulverston, in 1816, and now contains deposits amounting to £81,966 17s. 11d., belonging to 2890 depositors, 22 charitable and 13 friendly societies. It is open on Fridays, from one till four. Mr. Samuel Donaldson is actuary.
On with the pics-
Someone elses external-
Hoad monument to the far left-
Out towards Morecambe bay-
Rooftop shot (two sky dishes fixed to the clocktower??)-
The Clocktower-
Bit dark, but were stood at the bottom of this-
Cheers for looking