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Information - Looking for abandoned places in and around Bristol

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O high
Staff member
I'm new to 28DL too, Bristol based. The Old BRI hospital is always tempting. There's a derelict factory site in between Fishponds and St George's too, it's not far from the cycle path, large site on an industrial estate that burnt out a few years back.
Definitely wouldn't bother with the old BRI building now tbh, it's legit just a shell. The amount of effort required to get in isn't worth the 'reward' (and the amount of effort is small :D)


28DL Member
28DL Member
Anyone know if barrow gurney mental hospital is still a go? Haven't been there for years, probably flats right?
Hey im new but I’ve just been there today only found one building was really easy to access and it’s abandoned i was hoping for something a bit bigger but lmk if you would like to go there i want to get some better pictures but its hard when your alone😭

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