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Looking for nearby urbexers

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28DL Member
28DL Member
hi, I’ve only just signed up to this website and I’m looking to maybe find and meet new people on here to go urbexing with I have some experience however I find it difficult to find new places to explore in my area. I’m located in SW London but anywhere in London and the outskirts of London is fine, my ig is zuzaszer


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi mate welcome to 28DL, put up some reports and you’re more likely to find people to meet/talk to on here. Try using the search in the top right to find some explores close to you. If your struggling on how to post a thread look at the new members section on the home page if you haven’t already 👍 Good luck.


28DL Member
28DL Member
hi, I’ve only just signed up to this website and I’m looking to maybe find and meet new people on here to go urbexing with I have some experience however I find it difficult to find new places to explore in my area. I’m located in SW London but anywhere in London and the outskirts of London is fine, my ig is zuzaszer
hey just added ur ig would you be down for crane climb or rooftop