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Report - - Low Moor Beck , Bradford , August , 2023 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Low Moor Beck , Bradford , August , 2023


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Had the exact location for this one forward on to me from Nuboid ( cheers mate ) otherwise you could have walked past it without noticing ! parking up on Dealburn road i climbed in to the culvert at the side of Victoria park . paying no attention to the caution contaminated water sign i was kitted up and in without any fuss


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Not surprising with all the rain we have had there was a fair flow tumbling down the steps

was roaring away then a change to RCP
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the bulk of this explore is RCP
little of shot here proved to be a dead end
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water crashing inn was getting louder
then a change in styles

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looking back downstream
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the culvert then opened up in to a small sized room
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daylight ahead
then out in to the open air at the side of the railway line , was nice to stop here and straighten up a bit next pic looking back where i had been the one after where i was going next
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red brick pipe with a two way split
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the left hand junction was bricked up for some reason
next pic looking back to the entry
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lovely stone work suggesting that this area was once open to the outside , another change in styles to stone round pipe lovely to see this old section
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looking upwards there were giant slabs of stone covering the culvert roof
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this must have been open at one time as suggested earlier , then back up the stone pipe
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change back to RCP with a shower
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the source of the water
im guessing it must have rained while i was down here as on the way back out this water had stopped ! The flow of water was also faster making it more precarious walking

calcite build up then obligatory 28 pic
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some concrete shuttering around a brick built chamber


28DL Regular User
Regular User
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then back to endless RCP was a long stretch this drain

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a two way junction now appeared
going straight ahead
dropped down to less than 2 foot here so that was the end of that section about turn and leave this brick built chamber
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back to the junction i had a nosy up the other pipe
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dropped down to about a meter in diameter but to be honest id had enough and so had my back by now
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about turn and the long march back out was harder leaving as the flow of water was trying to push your feet from under you so i crabbed sideways to make sure i stayed upright
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a couple more snaps on the way out

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and back to the start point , was a good explore this with a bit of all styles a lot longer than i was expecting and the flow made it harder but well worth checking out , cheers for viewing :thumb

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Lovely changes from RCP to stone and brick. The calcite is very photogenic. Looks like a long one this. :thumb


Regular User
your photos have been getting so much better recently really liked this report, looks a lovely stretch of culvert, even with the stoopyness :rofl :lol