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Report - - Lyndhurst Park Hotel (Glassheyes) - Southampton- July 2019 | Leisure Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Lyndhurst Park Hotel (Glassheyes) - Southampton- July 2019

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Beauty isn’t always perfection
28DL Full Member
Everything being brought now days :( some building should just be left to naturally decay or restore ! Not to be delmoshed and built back into houses
I agree completely, everyone just wants box standard houses with no character no features, all minimal and glass, see so many beautiful places with demolition permission purely because the one is worth more without the buildings, such a shame


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey, I'm new to the forum but not new to exploring. I'm working down in the new forest at the minute and heard about this place. Does anyone know if there's still on-site security there at the minute? Going to go and have a recce this week but any advice welcome! Also any tips for other places in the area that are worth exploring!

Cheers, M


Beauty isn’t always perfection
28DL Full Member
Hey, I'm new to the forum but not new to exploring. I'm working down in the new forest at the minute and heard about this place. Does anyone know if there's still on-site security there at the minute? Going to go and have a recce this week but any advice welcome! Also any tips for other places in the area that are worth exploring!

Cheers, M
Hi, yes on site security is still there, since part of the building fell down a couple of weeks ago there has been more activity there so I’m not sure how accessible it is, I know it’s been a no go for the past couple of months, I go past it quite regularly as it’s only 10 minutes from me


28DL Member
28DL Member
Such a shame they've chucked a fence up now, visited a few months ago and couldn't get in at all! Looks almost impossible now :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had a quick drive by earlier, doesn't look good for getting in! Will have a better look later in the week. I'm guessing the sensors are still there which is a pain. Should probably give up on this one but then again, I like a challenge!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lolz the cameras there work went today and 3 police cars came for us. Pretty sure this was an arson attack to as the collapsed part is burnt and the fire station is literally next to this building

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