On a freezing cold night in mid November, three Mancunians (one 4real, two honorary) set out to meet Oggy and his replacement Oliver Cinquicento in order to do some stomach lurching rope swings off the M60 bridge. It's cold...and I mean COLD! I have three coats on and god knows how many layers of clothing on underneath that
Scott sets about setting up the jump while me, Yaz and Oggy kick back and relax amongst the carabiners and slings. The walkways inside the bridge hang transparent over hard concrete and a little further up, a canal. We choose to jump over the concrete which shouldn't be a problem as it's not the intention to hit it.
After what seems like FOREVER, the jump is ready-Oggy goes first. He goes first because apparently, he will jump anything
It all goes according to plan and we see him disappear into the darkness below and then return with a big grin on his face. Next it is Yaz's turn-"weeeeeeeeeeeeee....oh my god dudes, that was amazing
The air is so cold now so we decide to pack up and head home. This is only what I actually imagined happened because I was curled up in a ball at the top of the bridge trying to get my circulation going-moan moan MOAN!
All is forgiven when we are back home, eating fig rolls and listening to Carly Simon next to a lovely hot radiator. Meh! Winter exploring-it separates the men from the boys
Excuse the out of focus pics, I really couldn't see a thing
After what seems like FOREVER, the jump is ready-Oggy goes first. He goes first because apparently, he will jump anything

The air is so cold now so we decide to pack up and head home. This is only what I actually imagined happened because I was curled up in a ball at the top of the bridge trying to get my circulation going-moan moan MOAN!
All is forgiven when we are back home, eating fig rolls and listening to Carly Simon next to a lovely hot radiator. Meh! Winter exploring-it separates the men from the boys

Excuse the out of focus pics, I really couldn't see a thing

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