You’ve some excellent shots of it there mate. Can’t say I’ve seen that corrugated bit before either. I keep meaning to go back and take some mates but I know how much of a killer it is on your legs. Slept down here once too. That was a bloody cold night
You’ve some excellent shots of it there mate. Can’t say I’ve seen that corrugated bit before either. I keep meaning to go back and take some mates but I know how much of a killer it is on your legs. Slept down here once too. That was a bloody cold night
It was especially shit as we decided to kip in the main first chamber (I’ve no idea why) so it was draughty as fuck. It was OK until all of the tealights went out and the beer wore off. Also didn’t help it was in March. Lesson learned. 😂 looked cool though, and it was a good birthday shindig.
You’ve some excellent shots of it there mate. Can’t say I’ve seen that corrugated bit before either. I keep meaning to go back and take some mates but I know how much of a killer it is on your legs. Slept down here once too. That was a bloody cold night
Pretty sure you have mate, it's right near where the rest of us slept, through the door by the incline, you have to step out through the hole to get that angle of it.
Pretty sure you have mate, it's right near where the rest of us slept, through the door by the incline, you have to step out through the hole to get that angle of it.