Glad i finally got to do this one, it may not be everyone's cup of tea but i love these old relics. The night was fun, we even put a bit of a dressing gown tweek to it, wich also wont be everyone's cup of tea
,hopefully pom will add a few of the gown pics to the thread. Its been done to death now but here we go again, hope you enjoy.
Visited with... Pom, CatVstyle, Juju, Baz
Mansfield Road is a 1,189 yard bore, extending north from the site of the former Nottingham Victoria Station. The northern approach cutting, which was home to Carrington Station, has been infilled but this portal, now protected by a concrete wall, does have a hatch to the outside world.
Although the roof has a brick arch throughout, the walls of the central section show Nottingham's sandstone with refuges being cut into the exposed rock. Some of these are 4-5 feet deep with seating ledges provided.
Logan & Hemingway was the contractor responsible for its construction. Though completed in 1896, the line through the tunnel was not opened until July 1898. Closure came, amidst much controversy, in 1968.

Visited with... Pom, CatVstyle, Juju, Baz
Mansfield Road is a 1,189 yard bore, extending north from the site of the former Nottingham Victoria Station. The northern approach cutting, which was home to Carrington Station, has been infilled but this portal, now protected by a concrete wall, does have a hatch to the outside world.
Although the roof has a brick arch throughout, the walls of the central section show Nottingham's sandstone with refuges being cut into the exposed rock. Some of these are 4-5 feet deep with seating ledges provided.
Logan & Hemingway was the contractor responsible for its construction. Though completed in 1896, the line through the tunnel was not opened until July 1898. Closure came, amidst much controversy, in 1968.