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Report - - Meadowbrook School - Ascot - June 22 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Meadowbrook School - Ascot - June 22

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Fucking hell, is it actually? Man that's annoying. I actually liked that place. Do u have photos of the houses?
Sorry my mistake I don't know if this is still here or not, I glanced at title & thought it was meadowside sch Kettering dog, it may still b doable


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sorry my mistake I don't know if this is still here or not, I glanced at title & thought it was meadowside sch Kettering dog, it may still b doable
Wow alright that's more reassuring. I guess I'll give it a shot but not today cuz I'm busy with other stuffs. Ima wait till half term begins and then ima go.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Wow alright that's more reassuring. I guess I'll give it a shot but not today cuz I'm busy with other stuffs. Ima wait till half term begins and then ima go.
Seen this and planning to go. Is it still in good enough condition for it to be worthwhile?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Update: Went to this today and its gone:(. Some new business there and no sign of any of the school buildings.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Update: Went to this today and its gone:(. Some new business there and no sign of any of the school buildings.
awww fuck. i was gonna go there when i had my half term on some sunny day. big shame, the place has a nice aura to it. got any pics to confirm?

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