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Report - - Medler's Yard, Norfolk - August 2015 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Medler's Yard, Norfolk - August 2015

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jeanette booty

28DL Member
28DL Member
won't be a next time as all is gone now,been out there today looking for something, could not find it. not any cars now just old rubbish i was looking for this did any of you take a picture of a black vintage pram no hood on it . if you did would you be so kind as to tell me what the building is by it. Can not see on meddler land, next up is forestry land so can't go on it. . A man looks after the site now and most of the land where cars were has been sold for building. My family know meddlers family all girls there are 2 families same name not related. All live here, i used to go find bits for cars back in the day 80's we done up old cars,could always find what you wanted if not drive 2 miles and find heveningham hall scrap yard ,there is an old house on that one need restoration