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Report - - Melbourne House - Bedford - May 2018 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Melbourne House - Bedford - May 2018

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Looks like flats anyway from externals. But some nice internal shots there. Shame our May bank hol was dismissal, shows us how bad the summer has been for last 2 years, mostly grey & wet. Would of made some nice roof shots.

I know its a bumped thread, but anyone got any newer photos , to see hows its changing?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Looks like flats anyway from externals. But some nice internal shots there. Shame our May bank hol was dismissal, shows us how bad the summer has been for last 2 years, mostly grey & wet. Would of made some nice roof shots.

I know its a bumped thread, but anyone got any newer photos , to see hows its changing?
it honestly hasn't changed. more smashed windows, more graffiti

tho there is a really good view from the top

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