Great report! Love the images
J John bartlett 28DL Member 28DL Member Nov 29, 2017 #18 Hi nice work . Have u got any pics of the body shells leaving thanks
UrbanFoxCub Explore and love the adventure Banned Jan 19, 2018 #19 The site has been completely stripped now and demolition on Cab1 plant and Piant Plant building has started
The site has been completely stripped now and demolition on Cab1 plant and Piant Plant building has started
D derelictlover 28DL Member 28DL Member Apr 25, 2018 #20 The CABS are still standing as of today. Last year I got into CAB 2 and wandered around, but there were men at work stripping out metal from the building so I couldn't go all the way around it.
The CABS are still standing as of today. Last year I got into CAB 2 and wandered around, but there were men at work stripping out metal from the building so I couldn't go all the way around it.