Brilliant. 👍
Exploring With Pride 🌈 Exploring with pride in more ways than one 28DL Full Member Friday at 8:29 PM #17 Great photos love the old switch boards
albino-jay g00n Buster Staff member Moderator Friday at 10:02 PM #19 The_Raw said: Not enough to be honest Click to expand... Shush
The_Raw Moderator Staff member Moderator Saturday at 8:58 AM #21 Midnight Odyssey said: Those switchboards are so sick. It's all so surprisingly free of graffiti as well! Click to expand... The hotel has a fair bit of graff and anything of value has been stolen. If the switchboards weren't so heavy I'm sure they would have gone as well mookster said: Holy moley. There must be some really cool completely unknown things in a country like Serbia. Click to expand... Yeah definitely. These guys are finding cool stuff all the time. Thanks for all the comments 🙏
Midnight Odyssey said: Those switchboards are so sick. It's all so surprisingly free of graffiti as well! Click to expand... The hotel has a fair bit of graff and anything of value has been stolen. If the switchboards weren't so heavy I'm sure they would have gone as well mookster said: Holy moley. There must be some really cool completely unknown things in a country like Serbia. Click to expand... Yeah definitely. These guys are finding cool stuff all the time. Thanks for all the comments 🙏