Mode Nightclub
Bradford, West Yorkshire
January 2020
The notorious Mode Nightclub is located right next to the Alhambra Theatre and behind the abandoned Odeon Theatre in Bradford City Centre and has been empty since 2011. Sources suggest that the club was shut down following repeated claims of violence and crime against the club and the customers, as well as consistent Class A drug use and illegal lapdancing and prostitution within the premises. According to sources, a group of violent individuals came from Birmingham one Saturday night and assaulted multiple clubbers, staff and eventually wrecked the entire club. The local council (CBDMC) closed the club shortly after and it relocated to Pudsey, eventually changing ownership in 2015 and being renamed Trinity Nightclub.
Mode Nightclub has suffered two major fires since its 2011 closure. The first one of which took place on 4th December 2015. Fire crews using thermal imaging cameras discovered a man sleeping rough inside and got him to safety. The second fire occurred on 27th April 2016 where firefighters again rescued a person, this time a woman, from inside the former nightclub.
Emergency services attending the 2015 Mode Nightclub fire.
Access was alot easier than expected. The back door was unlocked but it leads from a very busy street so I had to be careful. That entrance takes you into the downstairs, seedy area. I can only imagine what used to go on down there. I didn't realise it was commonplace for nightclubs to have showers and two way mirrors. Downstairs was certainly creepy to venture alone. Dodgy characters definitely sleep down there at night.
Most items of value have been removed, and the upstairs is pretty much just a shell now. There's not much left of this once booming establishment. Oh yeah, beware of the human smackhead diarrhoea ever present through the place. I was spotted by two people walking by who saw me looking out of a window, but they didn't seem to care. I think that's the general consensus in Bradford to be honest.
Thanks for looking
Bradford, West Yorkshire
January 2020
The notorious Mode Nightclub is located right next to the Alhambra Theatre and behind the abandoned Odeon Theatre in Bradford City Centre and has been empty since 2011. Sources suggest that the club was shut down following repeated claims of violence and crime against the club and the customers, as well as consistent Class A drug use and illegal lapdancing and prostitution within the premises. According to sources, a group of violent individuals came from Birmingham one Saturday night and assaulted multiple clubbers, staff and eventually wrecked the entire club. The local council (CBDMC) closed the club shortly after and it relocated to Pudsey, eventually changing ownership in 2015 and being renamed Trinity Nightclub.
Mode Nightclub has suffered two major fires since its 2011 closure. The first one of which took place on 4th December 2015. Fire crews using thermal imaging cameras discovered a man sleeping rough inside and got him to safety. The second fire occurred on 27th April 2016 where firefighters again rescued a person, this time a woman, from inside the former nightclub.
Emergency services attending the 2015 Mode Nightclub fire.
Access was alot easier than expected. The back door was unlocked but it leads from a very busy street so I had to be careful. That entrance takes you into the downstairs, seedy area. I can only imagine what used to go on down there. I didn't realise it was commonplace for nightclubs to have showers and two way mirrors. Downstairs was certainly creepy to venture alone. Dodgy characters definitely sleep down there at night.
Most items of value have been removed, and the upstairs is pretty much just a shell now. There's not much left of this once booming establishment. Oh yeah, beware of the human smackhead diarrhoea ever present through the place. I was spotted by two people walking by who saw me looking out of a window, but they didn't seem to care. I think that's the general consensus in Bradford to be honest.
Thanks for looking