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Report - - Moel Fferna Slate Mine North Wales - November 2021 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Moel Fferna Slate Mine North Wales - November 2021

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Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
The Explore
Due to the location of this remote mine and the lack of parking on any nearby roads (and travelling in a vehicle that cant take any farmers paths)we had to park up in a lay by a few miles away.
with bags full of camera equipment, rope, SRT kit and many snacks and drinks we started the long hike over the welsh hills to the pin, it took just under 2 hours for us to get to the entrance passing through an active shoot to which they was quite friendly although they were insistent on the fact there was no mine where we was heading and that its the opposite way (i think they were on about another well known mine in the area)but we did manage to eventually find the entrance and drop down.
The long hike did pay off after we dropped in via an air shaft and got to explore the extensive system there was quite a lot to take in as there often is with big slate mines.

Brief History

opened in the 1860's it was a substantial producer of roofing slate taken almost entirely from underground workings.
At one point in time this mine contained accessible adits from seven working levels with a large steam powered mill, Extract was carted out on wagons by using gravity to to go down and was controlled by a riding brakeman, the empties returned back up the steep inclines daily by horse.
In 1898 184 men were employed and in 1937 that number dropped down to 100, during the decline of welsh slate mining the mine later closed it doors for good in 1960.
There are still remains of this once booming industrial era above ground with derelict offices and barracks still visible.
The mine itself contains what can only be described as 'a bridge of death' suspended high above the ground which we cant see being in place for much longer, remains of working winches on various levels and lovely bright blue slate pools.






















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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Fab place. 2 hr hike! Just wears me out thinking about it lol. Lovely set. That bridge looks sketchy. Lovely atmospheric shots


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Great report. Reading it makes me happy for you and also feeling a bit sad. I'd planned to take a quick look at this on way back from another trip 3rd week November. I had a rope slings krabs laminated quarry/mine plan laminated OS map and etc etc in the car with a can of redbull and some petrol station snacks (the food of champions). Unfortunately the Mrs was having some ongoing domestic catastrophe and repeatedly ringing me to get home asap. So I drove past it, looking up sadly from the A5 to the hills as I went back to London :( But I am keeping the laminated instructions etc in the car and I *WILL* be exploring M.Ff. as soon as I'm able.
Incidentally I don't really like bats, Ebola, Covid perhaps, but certainly Dracula and vampires - those little fkz have a lot to answer for. That all said we are supposed to keep well away from them in case believe it or not... WE give THEM diseases. There is concern that we might give them a fungal infection (like in USA) or even Covid!! anyway, please keep everyone happy by keeping well away from bats

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