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Report - - Molson Coors Brewery, Alton, August 2016 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Molson Coors Brewery, Alton, August 2016

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went past this yesterday, it looks like the security guards have gone now.
I guess it's been striped out by now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went past this yesterday, it looks like the security guards have gone now.
I guess it's been striped out by now.
Yes, they have gone and access is possible but SPS are taking over in a few weeks so go in soon.
There are cameras (only on the outside) and if you trip one then Secca turns up within 15 mins. HUGE place which still has a lot of equipment but do bring a resi as it's covered in birdshit and it's been built with asbestos (not that a resi will be much use against it...) be very careful as there are VERY high areas.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went past this yesterday, it looks like the security guards have gone now.
I guess it's been striped out by now.

Not stripped, Still lots left

Although the fucking tour buses have been and it’s very quickly becoming trashed and smashed up which is a real shame. This assholes on YouTube don’t help


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Mate of mine went and got in a couple of weeks back. Tripped one of the cameras on the way in, secca turned up pretty quick but he was only collared on the way out as they aren't allowed to enter the buildings.

He then went back last week, different security caught him and his mate, they attempted to handcuff him and stop him from leaving, it was all caught on video by his mate. Security seem totally clueless on laws or anything like that.


Xexxa the red
Mate of mine went and got in a couple of weeks back. Tripped one of the cameras on the way in, secca turned up pretty quick but he was only collared on the way out as they aren't allowed to enter the buildings.

He then went back last week, different security caught him and his mate, they attempted to handcuff him and stop him from leaving, it was all caught on video by his mate. Security seem totally clueless on laws or anything like that.

Hahah they do go in the building


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Mate of mine went and got in a couple of weeks back. Tripped one of the cameras on the way in, secca turned up pretty quick but he was only collared on the way out as they aren't allowed to enter the buildings.

He then went back last week, different security caught him and his mate, they attempted to handcuff him and stop him from leaving, it was all caught on video by his mate. Security seem totally clueless on laws or anything like

We were in there 3 hours. Then a tour bus of about 10 turnt up. 40 minutes later secuirty turnt up. As we were leaving we got caught trying to get into the security hut lol he had handcuffs the lot. Really was a clueless twat, there was 3 of us and were all quite big so he just opened the gate for us


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was in there yesterday, explored for about an hour and 3 police cars turned up. They entered the buildings, on the cat walks, having a good old search. Stayed around an hour. After hiding in a dark corner I made my escape rapid!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was in there yesterday, explored for about an hour and 3 police cars turned up. They entered the buildings, on the cat walks, having a good old search. Stayed around an hour. After hiding in a dark corner I made my escape rapid!

Hahah really? That’s because so many cunts have been there in the last couple of weeks


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I remember a nice old control panel being intact but last time I went in it was trashed... ripped apart.
I'm sure some "urban explorers" like to vandalise property it appears...
Thankfully I can say I was one of the first few to go in before the band wagons jumped on it. SO MUCH to explore though, doubt I'll see everything and i've been in there over 4 times now :eek:


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
What I don't understand is that people in this thread are saying it's being explored loads, including by members of this forum but none of you lot are posting photos from it. I thought that's what the purpose of this forum was!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What I don't understand is that people in this thread are saying it's being explored loads, including by members of this forum but none of you lot are posting photos from it. I thought that's what the purpose of this forum was!










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