Visited By Ojay & Nij, returning with Woodburner.
We met up briefly with Cpcnick after checking out some other local leads. After pointing us in the right direction we decided to head underground.
Wellie fail prevented us from mooching any further downstream through the 'Transporter'. (TBC).. This was as far as we got
We turned around, and headed upstream, to check out the 'Monument'.
Climbing down past all manner of debris, including broken glass & discarded needles NSFW
The first section was open culvert, on my return trip something bad happened to my eye
before disappearing underground
We traversed our way upstream towards the town centre through a mixture of Stone & concrete tunnels, although not very deep, was slippy as hell!
Eventually we could here voices and the sound of civilisation from above, before arriving at the 'Monument' - The main feature of the drain.
On the left an arched overflow, with ladders up to a grilled hatch and wooden door at street level.
It's quite impressive inside this chamber, and equally as impressive at street level too.
We carried on upstream at this point, as the tunnel curved there was a distinct smell of 'fresh', the only evidence being this flap which was clean surface water...?
Continuing upstream, a variety of stone, RCP & Concrete
before reaching this interesting little junction, with a sewer overflow on the left, naturally I headed up, but soon retreated as it stunk to high heaven, and was stoopy as fuck, besides my eye was giving me real jip
Eventually we reached the Infall
After making our way out, we headed overground so I could grab a quick shot
I spent the next morning (over 3 hours) in Hospital, my eye is in a bad way, Draaaaynes are bad places, stay away

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