Well, my story wasn't on the explore, it was on the way there, and we got it back, my mate just crapped his pants.
Stopped at a Tesco five minutes from an explore, got out had a fag etc.
He then got his bag out sorted it through which had his: Med kit, phone, car keys, house keys, fags, scarf hoodie, camera etc.
So we drove of, not realizing he had left his bag on the roof, and, we didn't realize until we got out of the car at our first explore of the night, and he was panicking because he realized his bag wasn't in the car.
"Oh fuck wheres my bag" was all he said before we all realized he left it on the roof and make a quick trip back to Tesco, wasn't on the floor of the car park, so I rushed inside to the help desk to ask about it whilst the others searched the car park just in case.
Successfully and luckily a good Samaritan had handed his bag in!
So i go outside and he just started laughing with relief, then starts looking through his bag to check everything is still there, to find that his car keys and fags are missing. He then starts panicking all over again till we get back to the car and realize his keys and fags were in the door bucket the whole time.
Ordeal and a half