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Report - - Motspur Park Gas Holders | High Stuff | Page 3 |

Report - Motspur Park Gas Holders



Never in my life have I seen a gas silo pulled down. Oh, actually... apart from that one in Sutton opposite the Halfords, I have never seen a silo ripped down.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good report bro.

Whereabouts do you live? i live down the road, close to the cemetery. Drop me a line if you dont mind exploring together


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Been there recently and they have installed security cameras and radio plus barbed wire at the entrance. Not worth it..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers security troll, we'll just continue to not use the main entrance.
Yeah mate it's not just the from entrance its the back and throughout the length of the path by the fencing. They also built some new shit there so go figure


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah mate it's not just the from entrance its the back and throughout the length of the path by the fencing. They also built some new shit there so go figure

It's still very easy to avoid the sensors mate. It got tightened because of idiots on YT but us urbexers will always find a way :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah I've been there a fair amount of times but before the sensors. I don't really know the proximity of those things but that kind of buggered me off last time I visited : \.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Good report mate. :)
You wouldn't get me up one of them.
I grew up 5 minutes across the fields and we used to sniff glue and camped out in the woods opposite it was always very creepy down there a true story of the German parachuter that landed on the gasholder after his plane was shot down I think that he was found dead ? It's on Google if you really look hard also a train crash in 1949 just yards from the gasworks four people died when two trains collided I think that's why it has a creepy feeling even now when I visited ten years ago at 46


28DL Member
28DL Member
I've lived near these huge structures my entire life. They tower over the flat landscape and cast a huge shadow over the neighboring park.
As with many of these structures very little information was available. The largest of the three has been at the site for around 45-50 years, with the second largest having been built around 40 years ago, along with the smallest of the three. All three of the holders are inactive and have been for well over a decade. The site is owned by Southern Gas Networks, as shown on the warning signs.

The site was fairly well secured. A wide river stands in the way of anyone who did not do a research trip.

Once inside, there is not much to be seen on ground level, other than some old electrical buildings and graffiti.


The gas holder was fairly easy to access. The very aged anti climb measures stood weak:

A long way up (Second tallest holder)

Image of the smallest gas holder's ladder:
I've lived near these huge structures my entire life. They tower over the flat landscape and cast a huge shadow over the neighboring park.
As with many of these structures very little information was available. The largest of the three has been at the site for around 45-50 years, with the second largest having been built around 40 years ago, along with the smallest of the three. All three of the holders are inactive and have been for well over a decade. The site is owned by Southern Gas Networks, as shown on the warning signs.

The site was fairly well secured. A wide river stands in the way of anyone who did not do a research trip.

Once inside, there is not much to be seen on ground level, other than some old electrical buildings and graffiti.


The gas holder was fairly easy to access. The very aged anti climb measures stood weak:

A long way up (Second tallest holder)

Image of the smallest gas holder's ladder:
Would this be any good for a first timer? Simply because I live really close. I have experience in climbing, abseiling etc, just haven’t explored anything before.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I grew up 5 minutes across the fields and we used to sniff glue and camped out in the woods opposite it was always very creepy down there a true story of the German parachuter that landed on the gasholder after his plane was shot down I think that he was found dead ? It's on Google if you really look hard also a train crash in 1949 just yards from the gasworks four people died when two trains collided I think that's why it has a creepy feeling even now when I visited ten years ago at 46
Yeah, its most likely haunted

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