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Report - Motspur Park No 2 Gasometer - Surrey - September 2013

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In Search of Lost Time
Regular User
On my way home, after another adventurous night, I was still full of adrenaline and I knew that I just can't go straight to bed...
After seeing tucker's amazing report (here ) I always wanted to climb Motspur Park gasometers. We went there with OFE and Jasper x once, but the weather was so awful that we had to give up. Another time I drove there on my own, and again it was raining. It was always "next time" thing on my long list...
It was still dark when I finally arrived there, morning was so quiet and foggy. I roughly remembered the access from the last time we went there, but could never expect that few overgrown blackberries would turned into a proper jungle. It was actually the worst part of getting there, it was still dark and I wish I had a machete with me :) Anyway after some time, with my trousers and trainers completely wet I got to a friendly looking palisade and then I found myself standing next to my beloved, amazing looking silhouettes. It took me a while to find the way up the biggest one, I probably looked a bit funny running around them :)
And then sitting on the top level, admiring beautiful sunrise, I just felt happy and relaxed.
I'm so glad that I decided to climb them in the daylight, I would never expect that they are peppermint colour, rusty peppermint I would say, so pretty...

I was trying to find some info about them, but failed, don't know when were they built etc. I don't even know how tucker found out that they are number 2 gasometers, ok probably it was written somewhere, and I missed that :) The biggest one is approximately 150ft tall (also from tucker report) .

Here are my pics:



Amazing sunrise and fog :)





Swimming pool in the middle of the biggest gasometer



And medium one:


I love this pic!


Inside medium one:



Gasometers / graphic novels :​

I love gasometers, but I also love comic books and graphic novels. I had a chance to read The Nao of Brown (amazing!) by Glyn Dillon recently and I found this:) (one of the first pages)


Awww my first thought was to climb a graphic novel gasometer! So started looking for this one. And I found out that I've already climbed it with Kev :) (

Image here (spot the difference )


And enjoy!