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Report - - Nant y Gadwen manganes mine - Rhiw, North Wales - May 2023 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Nant y Gadwen manganes mine - Rhiw, North Wales - May 2023

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
This was a revisit, did a report on this quite a while ago but we'd never done any underground and our shots were terrible. Always wanted to do a better job and while in the area decided to have another stab at it. Link to original report Report - - Nant y Gadwen Manganese Mine - Rhiw, Lllyn Peninsula, Wales - July 2021 | Mines and Quarries

History - This is the southernmost of a small group of manganese mines near the village of Rhiw. The group, which included the Bennalt and Rhiw mines was the largest producer of manganese ore in the UK in the early 20th century. Nant Mine raised 45,644 tons of manganese ore prior to its closure in 1927. The manganese mines at Rhiw was a major project in its day, with over 195.000 tons mined between 1840 and 1945, with a peak in production in 1906 of over 17.000 tons. There were six mines in all but only three of them were a viable operation. And production stopped completely several times during this period. When mining first started donkeys were used to carry the ore to Porth Cadlan where it was loaded onto small sailing vessels for export to Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. When production increased two jetties were constructed, one at Porth Ysgo and the other at Hells Mouth, the Porth Ysgo jetty was fed by a railway system from the Quarry while the Hells Mouth jetty used a cable car arrangement that ran over the village and down the steep hill to the beach.












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