Hit this place up back in September, and was a lot of fun! (Posted a report too for anyone interested: https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/necton-diner-service-station-norfolk-september-2017.t110115) Love places like this, they ooze with character. Also, it's no less creepy in the day, trust me. ;P
Looks like the place has been slightly knocked about a bit more since I was there but overall is still doing okay. I'll come clean and admit that a couple of the "tidier" features, such as the TV on the stand and chairs/price boards stood back up again were done by me... a mixture of OCD and nicer-looking photos!
Looks like the place has been slightly knocked about a bit more since I was there but overall is still doing okay. I'll come clean and admit that a couple of the "tidier" features, such as the TV on the stand and chairs/price boards stood back up again were done by me... a mixture of OCD and nicer-looking photos!