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Report - - Nettleton Bottom Mine - Lincolnshire May 2020 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Nettleton Bottom Mine - Lincolnshire May 2020


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So a couple of weeks ago i ventured to Nettleton for a walk with the family (there was no real intention for exploring) i know about the mines but have always been under the understanding that they are sealed up tight.

the Top mines are mainly on private property and i did see the entrance to one with the frontage being used by a very friendly gentleman as a storage shed as it was on his land and he was making good use of it, the property is the old offices for the mines i believe.

Now i know from visiting before there is a small link tunnel that is accessible near the bottom mines there has been a cave in towards the middle of this tunnel but with care you can walk through it (although the tunnel is only approx 50ft so you can see both sides any way) now what really grabbed my attention is the main mine entrance had a hole in the wall of the entrance to the Adit so me being me i poked my head in.

with a bit of wiggling and a squeeze you could differently enter the mine from here (i wont go into where exactly this is or post pictures of the Adit front for good reason but if you know where this is you know) now i entered far enough to get a pic of the inside but with lack of equipment having wife and kids with me and with the footpaths being so popular with lock down walkers at the moment i wouldn't go any further.

Old Link Tunnel

Roof Falling in

Looking into Mine Adit (Sorry about the quality i had no lighting so phone light and phone camera)

now the access is from the top so without an exit plan i doubt you'd get back out of the Adit so planning is essential if you want to have a look issues i see are as follows,

Air monitoring would be required i wouldn't like to go into there without knowing at least the O2 levels,

As i mentioned the usually very peaceful location is full of lock down walkers at present (there is even a nice sign on one of the footpaths from the local farm stating that they are getting 100s of extra visitors and please respect the land)

An Exit would be required as the wall is approx 10ft drop on inside so getting out could be difficult.

as i mentioned i made it to the entrance point and at present that's an achievement enough for me i would love to have a proper look but i would not be happy doing this alone so hope to go back prepaired in the future when ive gotten round a few of the others i am ticking off

there are also some derelict building on the surrounding lands but we didn't venture to them so i cant comment on what they are like.

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