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Report - - New London Bridge House, London - April 2010 | High Stuff |

Report - New London Bridge House, London - April 2010

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Recently rediscovered an old Photobucket account, with a few random collections of photos; including this small set from a New London Bridge House, back in April 2010. If my memory serves me correctly there were a few things on the list for that evening, one of which included Heron. At the time I think we were spooked by sensors and/or cameras on the staircases; so ended up heading to New London Bridge House instead, which was a lot simpler.

New London Bridge House, London - April 2010


New London Bridge House was an office high-rise located at 25 London Bridge Street, beside the station, and one block back from the River Thames. Completed in 1967, it consisted of 25 floors; and was demolished in 2010 to make way for the Shard development. Previously "occupied by five tenants including Standard Chartered Bank", it was reportedly sold for £39.5m in 2003.

It was possible to climb the stairs most of the way before before accessing the crane (via a bridge) on the West-side of the building.


View looking up at the crane.


Looking East towards South Bank and the London Eye


View North towards St Paul's Cathedral


North towards The Gherkin and Heron


And finally, South towards the Strata SE1


28DL Member
28DL Member
The view looks stunning. I'm hoping to do some rooftopping to see Central London from this perspective sometime soon. Thanks for sharing

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