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Report - London Bridge Sewer - Aug / Oct 23

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Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
One of my favourite LDN spots. Quite the maze too. You're not the first to hit your limit at that particular spot, as I'm sure you know. LOL!
I remember back in 2008 it probably was when I first saw photos of this drain. I thought Stoop's Limit would definitely be my limit too if I ever ventured in there.
However, either it isn't as bad these days as it was back then or we were just lucky with not having all that water pouring in through the brickwork in that section.
Was still silty and gassy as we stirred up the sweetcorn from there to the interceptor but not as bad as I had prepared myself for. :lol

Uncle Tony

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I remember back in 2008 it probably was when I first saw photos of this drain. I thought Stoop's Limit would definitely be my limit too if I ever ventured in there.
However, either it isn't as bad these days as it was back then or we were just lucky with not having all that water pouring in through the brickwork in that section.
Was still silty and gassy as we stirred up the sweetcorn from there to the interceptor but not as bad as I had prepared myself for. :lol
It was a combination of things as I recall. st00p was not at all his usual self, it had in fact taken me an age to drag him out as he was in a pretty dark place. We’d been to a couple of other spots that evening already and this was our last foray. But the nail in the coffin was when I noticed the entire water surface was obscured by an armada of gargantuan fissured floaters, bloodied tampons, johnnies (as a child of the 80s it’s just semantically more pleasing), and other bowl-fresh feculence. Then as the whole fetid soup was stirred and began to bubble, he was done for the evening. 😂


unhealthy fascination with drains
28DL Full Member
Lovely report with nice photos. I worked in the City for many years and it’s funny to think that just below my feet are these amazing structures and architecture. Cheers.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely report with nice photos. I worked in the City for many years and it’s funny to think that just below my feet are these amazing structures and architecture. Cheers.
Glad you enjoyed dude, certainly makes you think! I often find myself intrigued by every manhole in the city these days


living in a cold world
Regular User
Glad you enjoyed dude, certainly makes you think! I often find myself intrigued by every manhole in the city these days
You should go do Paul's Wharf Sewer, one of the side tunnels off the Fleet. @Ojay will attest to it being his favourite drain in London...

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