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New member, based in Liverpool/Loughborough

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all!

TLDR, I am based in the Liverpool/Loughborough area (uni/home), and looking forward to delving into urbex in these areas. :)

I've been lurking around these forums for month or two now, after years of a passing interest in urbex. Read through all the survival guide threads, as well as numerous reports to familiarise myself with the level of quality expected on here. Also, I have been familiarising myself with the general etiquette and safety of urbex as a whole.

Did my first bit of urbex last month, a disused industrial site in Leicestershire that I had a mooch around after scouting out myself and finding a sneaky way into. I took photos, however I don't deem them interesting enough to write a report, nor can I find the level of information about the place that I'd want to to actually post on a report. It was more of an experience for myself to get used to the process of recce, finding an entry point that doesn't require breaking in, assessing safety, and photographing a site - and I loved it!

Unlikely to be posting a report any time soon, but I thought I'd say hi now. Currently my mission is scouting out places around Merseyside to attempt an urbex in, so I'll hopefully have something report-worthy in the next few months for you guys.

Oh, couldn't think of a good alias, so named myself after my favourite soft drink. I guess I'll sign off with PM (for pepsi max).

Cheers for reading, and I look forward to diving into the world of urbex,



Regular User
Welcome to 28DL

Good work reading the guides before jumping in on here ;)

You are welcome to post a picture or two of your explores into the general photo thread if you consider them interesting (or think others will) but where you don't have enough detail to pppost a 'report'.

Look forward to seeing your take on things when you are ready.

Have fun and stay safe.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you mate, I'm looking forward to compiling some reports! I'm a bit busy with exam season atm, however I'm hoping I'll have enough time to plan and attempt one or two explores in the next month or so 🤞. I've always found researching the history of buildings to be quite interesting, so it'll be a nice break from my uni work.

If I get round to it I'll post a few photos with any information I can find out about the place I visited in Leicestershire on the general photo thread at some point - thanks for letting me know this is a possibility!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Welcome to the forum

You definitely won’t struggle to find things in Liverpool, particularly industrial stuff

Looking forward to seeing your work
Thank you!

I've been in the city a few years now and I find it incredible the number of derelict buildings in this city (if slightly sad sometimes). I've always had a keen interest in industrial and maritime history, and Liverpool for obvious reasons has a very rich history to investigate.

I've come across a lot of your reports and have found them incredibly interesting. I don't think it's likely I'll be visiting many of them a lot of them are central, high profile locations - that by their nature are a bit hit or miss as they often seem get found, spread, vandalised then boarded up quite quickly. However it's great inspiration for the type of things to look out for in the city! I've already got a couple of vague areas/locations in mind to scout out and potentially attempt...


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi all!

TLDR, I am based in the Liverpool/Loughborough area (uni/home), and looking forward to delving into urbex in these areas. :)

I've been lurking around these forums for month or two now, after years of a passing interest in urbex. Read through all the survival guide threads, as well as numerous reports to familiarise myself with the level of quality expected on here. Also, I have been familiarising myself with the general etiquette and safety of urbex as a whole.

Did my first bit of urbex last month, a disused industrial site in Leicestershire that I had a mooch around after scouting out myself and finding a sneaky way into. I took photos, however I don't deem them interesting enough to write a report, nor can I find the level of information about the place that I'd want to to actually post on a report. It was more of an experience for myself to get used to the process of recce, finding an entry point that doesn't require breaking in, assessing safety, and photographing a site - and I loved it!

Unlikely to be posting a report any time soon, but I thought I'd say hi now. Currently my mission is scouting out places around Merseyside to attempt an urbex in, so I'll hopefully have something report-worthy in the next few months for you guys.

Oh, couldn't think of a good alias, so named myself after my favourite soft drink. I guess I'll sign off with PM (for pepsi max).

Cheers for reading, and I look forward to diving into the world of urbex,

If you’re looking for an exploring buddy I’m not unfamiliar with Urbex, just with this site in paticular. Also based in Merseyside :)


Useful Idiot
Regular User
Thank you!

I've been in the city a few years now and I find it incredible the number of derelict buildings in this city (if slightly sad sometimes). I've always had a keen interest in industrial and maritime history, and Liverpool for obvious reasons has a very rich history to investigate.

I've come across a lot of your reports and have found them incredibly interesting. I don't think it's likely I'll be visiting many of them a lot of them are central, high profile locations - that by their nature are a bit hit or miss as they often seem get found, spread, vandalised then boarded up quite quickly. However it's great inspiration for the type of things to look out for in the city! I've already got a couple of vague areas/locations in mind to scout out and potentially attempt...
Cheers mate appreciate it!

In all honesty a lot of them were pure blind luck. I’m in Liverpool a lot so get to check things on a regular basis, you just need to seize the opportunity when you see it

Keep that in mind and you’ll be fine


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you!

I've been in the city a few years now and I find it incredible the number of derelict buildings in this city (if slightly sad sometimes). I've always had a keen interest in industrial and maritime history, and Liverpool for obvious reasons has a very rich history to investigate.

I've come across a lot of your reports and have found them incredibly interesting. I don't think it's likely I'll be visiting many of them a lot of them are central, high profile locations - that by their nature are a bit hit or miss as they often seem get found, spread, vandalised then boarded up quite quickly. However it's great inspiration for the type of things to look out for in the city! I've already got a couple of vague areas/locations in mind to scout out and potentially attempt...
Especially the world’s largest brick warehouse. Which is abandoned, has a crane to climb. And is easy to access. And if someone knows what i’m on about, yes. Work seems to have stopped